Did they pass Obamacare 50 years ago? No. I said that Socialism was in the making. That means they started a long time ago, and after forcefully over time pushing it onto the American people, they’ve finally got to the point of tearing down the infrastructure of America through Open Borders, Abortion, Brainwashing/Liberal Media News and Liberal Media, Obamacare, Fear, Anarchy, tearing family’s apart, Tearing down Religion, Non-patriotism, that now their Socialist Agenda can almost finally take effect.
Oh yeah - the only thing more evil than the Deep State lib mob media are the Socialist Fascist Progressive Liberal Democrat politicians, who are really, really evil. Not just your average everyday evil, mind you, but EVIL, like the fruit of the Devil.
Poor Donald, a selfless patriot with a very good brain and a heart of gold, is beset on all sides by the evil Socialist Fascist Progressive Liberal Democrat political agenda and their evil double standard of evil. Only with our help will he thwart their evil machinations and MAGA us into a glorious new age of prosperity, global dominance, and two scoops.
Everything has to start some where. Usually at the start of something (Socialist Obamacare), it’s not ready to go right off the bat.
So I’m not sure that Socialism had been “established” just yet.
It was the beginning back then for the Democrats, but established, and
just beginning are two different things.
How is Obamacare a reluctants for Medicare for all?
Bernie and the Dems want Bernie as the leader.
Maybe if he comes out of hiding after he was embarrassed about
his taxes, and mainly the women scandal of not being treated as
equals, then he’ll run for Presidency in 2020?
Maybe I should make a new thread. It can be called, Where in the World
is Bernie Sanders? He’s been awfully quiet compared to what he normally
is as of late. I’d keep my eye on him very carefully if I were the Conservative
Total double standard for those evil Socialist Fascist Progressive Liberal Democrat politicians. Like, so much a double standard it’s more like a quadruple standard. Thank goodness Donald, with help from the Almighty (although he doesn’t really need it because hey - he’s Donald) is in charge and can lead us through the wilderness of lying, corruption, hypocrisy, and graft.
Interesting and tragic that you think of Obamacare as socialist.
After Hillary Clinton’s failed healthcare initiative in '93-'94, people knew that she had succeeded in letting the single payer genie out of the bottle.
The notion of a mixture of private insurance and Medicare across exchanges was developed by the conservative Heritage Foundation as a market-maintaining counterweight to single payer, because Conservatives recognized the threat of single payer rolling all medical care into a government program.
That is why the first politician to implement the Heritage model was Republican Governor Mitt Romney.
When Obama wanted to increase the number of people with coverage and address cost, he adopted the Heritage Foundation position, in the hopes of getting bi-partisan support. The Democratic majority in Congress worked to incorporate roughly eighty Republican amendments into the Affordable Care Act. In the end, the Republicans decided that opposition to all things Obama was their guiding principle and voted unanimously against the bill… and have worked ever since to undermine it.
The most successful undermining was Trump’s elimination of the Individual Mandate – the mechanism by which the services provided by the bill were paid for.
So first of all: how can something developed by the Heritage Foundation as a means to maintain the role of insurance companies qualify as socialism???
And, of course the irony is that all the work by the Republicans to undermine the market solution to healthcare has paved the road to single-payer. If conservatives reject the market solution and, as well argued by Michael Sandel, the market is incapable of meeting the health needs of all citizens… you end up with a government. The good news is that it will be less expensive. The bad news is that it will not deliver the caliber of service people at the upper end of the free market are used to. But what’s the conservative alternative? There is none.
When Donald Trump promised during his campaign that he would provide healthcare that covered more people, delivered better care and cost less, I thought I would support that wholeheartedly, although I did not see how he could pull that off.
And all Republicans offer is going back to the pre-ACA days, which the broad public rejects specifically on the issue of pre-existing conditions. In the absence of any other solution, and having done their best to undermine the Heritage free market solution, here comes the government.
Few issues have been played more poorly by the Republican Party.
You may well be right. But all the people you are speaking for are wrong. Obamacare was designed by a conservative think tank – the Heritage Foundation – and the failure of conservatives to support this market based solution is laying the groundwork for a move to single payer – right back to Hillary’s goals circa 1993-1994.
Conservatives and Republicans own this ignorance-based failure. But since you got to be mad at Obama along the way, I suppose it was all worth it, since what point is there to politics beyond being mad at the other guy?
How can I be right, and the people that I’m supposedly speaking for wrong?
Especially if we both believe the same thing?
I’m not speaking for anyone. We all should have our own voice, and I encourage that.
No matter how illogical someone’s opinion is, they’re entitled to it.
You are right in saying that most Conservatives are likely to think that Obamacare is socialist - but you (and most Conservatives) are wrong in thinking that Obamacare is socialist.
You declared that most Conservatives and Republicans think that Obamacare is socialist. How is that not speaking for most Conservatives or Republicans?
Forcing people to pay for something they don’t want is socialism, it’s even worse when there is a group of people who want open borders and Americans are paying for their healthcare.