Someone please tell me - how is a wall going to deter this

I’m trying to picture one million illegals with gliders.

Is it seriously being argued that this is a practical thing and would be done in such numbers?

The wall was never claimed to be the only solution, it is only one tool.

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Criminals dont follow laws and they arent stopped by walls lib

Well, we’ll have to disagree. The last thing in the world I want to do is put the onus for border control on US corporations. The last thing I want to do is allow the Feds to force me to get permission to place a renter… and make no mistake, the ones like me that already do credit checks willingly aren’t placing illegals but you’re going to make my life more difficult by forcing me to submit paperwork and track it in order to rent my homes. I despise that idea.

In my opinion, we need to understand the root of the problem. Corrupt politicians that won’t fix the problem because people are funding their campaigns to allow for cheap labor and the other side wants the votes that come from illegals. It’s our political class that’s the issue, not people like you and I that should be forced through more paperwork to fix something we’re not causing.

Is that a fact? Then how the hell do we keep them in prison?

Oh, and “Lib”? ROFLMAO

You can dismiss my post but I’m not wrong; walls don’t work. The best defense in war, or in this case at the border, is one that is mobile and can react to any given situation.

Technology and flexibility beats a physical barrier every time. A wall can be pierced at a single point or avoided and it fails to be effective. You sound like André Maginot.

You think immigration criminals follow laws?

The onus that you refer to is already in place. It’s just very weakly enforced.

We conservative say, “ENFORCE EXISTING LAWS!!” Well, that’s one of them.

Walls work on the ones who cross on foot.

You nailed it, believe it or not this is the pretty much the exact same thing most moderates and all those except the extreme left think. A wall is stupid and a waste of money.

Problem is this: there isn’t a political leader out there willing to champion this approach. Not a lib. Not a mod Not a con.

Quite true. Gotta keep the boogeyman and dog whistles at the forefront so they can keep getting elected.

The difficulty of flying over the wall is enough to deter 99.9999999999% and that’s good enough 4 me.

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Mount anti aircraft cannons on the wall!

Its a ludicrous argument that if you think of some way someone could get over a wall then a wall is useless. All you have to do is imagine what that caravan would do if there were no wall in its area to see that a wall can be effective.
It is not the perfect and complete answer. Nothing is. It is or could be one useful tool and that alone justifies building it.

Except illegals don’t vote.

Each illegal invader costs the tax payer an average of $70,000 per year. That’s a crap load of pesos. Maybe the most fiscally conservative thing to do would be to lock the door?

$70,000? Got a link?

Billions wasted on trump advertising, which is what a wall would be. It’s the dumbest idea since the idea of electing trump president.

Latin America’s think tanks are in the final stages of technology to defeat the wall:

image image

What a cop out.

Not that I expect anything more than that. Get all preachy about what is PC then when your side is not PC pull that ■■■■■■■■ card. :rofl:

So is calling someone fat PC or not and who is allowed to use the pejorative? Let me guess, only liberals when it comes to talking about the opposite side of the aisle.

Such hypocrites.

They are flying ultralights … a 12 gauge is sufficient.