Someone please tell me - how is a wall going to deter this

True story. There is a person who asked the county to move the deer crossing signs because they said they are placed at the most dangerous places and there are much safer places deer can cross.

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Kinda thought so.

It’s a fact that the states with the most amount of illegal voting are deep red states.

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Name those who have advocated open borders with quotes of them saying so.

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We deal with this next or as part of a border security package.

Including the narcotics flowing in from China.

Where is the Trump appointed Commission on voter fraud?

Oh wait…

Here it is.

Seriously, thinking a 3rd century technology is the best way to solve a 21st century problem is naive at best, especially considering the 21st century technology we have available.

Being opposed to the wall doesn’t mean being opposed to border security.


You’re right, but there doesn’t seem to be any desire to solve the root cause of the problem. The wall only addresses a symptom.

Sez who???

LOL. So you don’t have anything with wheels and your house has no walls. No 10th century technology works,in the 21st, right.

Lord that’s stupid. I don’t ride a horse and my house has electricity and indoor plumbing.

If people can commit crimes anyway, then why do we even have police?

We already have a border patrol.

Remember that wall that Reagan rallied against? They used to post guards and shoot people trying to cross. But they were trying to escape, not get in

You mean White Collar Crime? Guys like Manafort and Cohen?


Thoughts and prayers?

And you keep going around under or over

Its like they truly believe a wall is impenetrable. Its just an act of symbolism. Its not intended to be functional

No. I’ve read it before but I didn’t save the link. If I feel like it I will look it up. How much money do you think they cost us? If you want it sooner rather than later, you should probably look it up.

A lot of them pay taxes too, so $70,000 sounds far fetched.