Some of Oregon wants to move to Idaho

And I don’t like today’s conservative politicians in my area infecting our local races with irrelevant national issues and needlessly dividing people.

There’s no moral high ground here. Today’s conservatives are doing exactly what they’re accusing the liberals of doing in areas they control.

Oh and they’re doing it in much the same way…taking control of the local power structures and stacking the deck in their favor.


Sure. Except at a local level. You know, where it really counts.

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Today’s conservatives are dictating at the local level just like today’s Libs are.

No moral high ground.

Sure, sure. Where? Where are conservative ant bed dwellers running over a prog county?

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You might wanna check out the ■■■■ show we re dealing with under Biden…

Or do you like inflation and wide open borders?

i told you, free people will not tolerate being governed by idiot coastal elites. the dissolution is coming.

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It’s actually 7 Oregon counties not 5. This is from

“Five counties in eastern Oregon voted for becoming a part of Idaho on May 18: Sherman, Lake, Grant, Baker, and Malheur counties. No counties voted against. The average was 62% in favor. Two additional Oregon counties had already voted in favor in November: Union and Jefferson.
In the five counties that voted on this issue, the average turnout was 43%, much higher than the statewide average of 25% for this election.”

Here’s what the folks promoting the idea are saying…” The grassroots group Move Oregon’s Border for a Greater Idaho wants to move Oregon’s mostly rural eastern and southern counties – plus a few northern counties in California – into Idaho, believing they’d be better served in Idaho’s more conservative political environment.”

Such a move would require votes in the legislatures of both states and in the US Congress…but it has support in Idaho. “ Idaho’s governor and the leadership of both houses of the Idaho legislature support the border relocation, and dozens of legislators have indicated their support, according to McCarter. He said Idaho state Rep. Barbara Ehardt (R) and Rep. Judy Boyle (R) plan to introduce legislation toward that goal in January.”

If the majority of Oregon’s 36 counties get on board you’d have to think that would send a message to the leftwits that are ruining that state.

“ The Oregonian/OregonLive reports Baker, Grant, Lake, Malheur and Sherman counties joined Union and Jefferson with the Tuesday vote. Those counties voted last year to require county officials to study or promote joining Idaho. The group hopes political pressure from county initiative votes will lead to negotiations between Oregon and Idaho to move the border, putting up to 22 of Oregon’s 36 counties in Idaho.”

This whole game idea is a long shot but as long as Kate Brown and her band of lunatics are destroying the state of Oregon the rural folks behind this idea certainly have the right to try. Maybe somebody in salem will get the message?


They just passed California as the biggest bunch of fools in the country.

The ones who seem to be running things anyway.:roll_eyes:

When you put nuts like Kate brown and that idiot mayor of Portland on charge this is what you get.

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I believe it. I have an in law who lives in Portland who is just as loony as Brown and the Mayor. :roll_eyes:

Quite the opposite of the rest of the family.

When I first moved to Texas I did so with the thought of moving back to the northwest…if I do it will be to Idaho.

Portland could be should be a shining jewel…big chunks of Portland have become a giant homeless camp…Oregon has the natural beauty, the diversity within the state, all the elements are there to be a genuine leader. And that’s all being pissed away by the leftists running the place. Like I said those counties that have said they would like to break away and those that will…I know why…the central government in Salem no longer represents their interests.


Also goes for District of Columbia.


Maybe they could work out an exchange program.

Exchange one for one the leftists running the place for some of the illegals seeking asylum.

Might be worth letting a few illegals in to get rid of those leftists running the place huh? :wink:

Would probably be an improvement for Oregon.

Unfortunately I think it’s already pretty much a sanctuary state.

Perhaps at some point the good people of Oregon will decide that enough is enough…

Well that’s no good. My plan is ONLY let one in for every leftist loon running the place that leaves for central America.

Start with Brown.

When? No time soon for sure.

If Oregonians want to move to Idaho, they are free to do so.


Fortunately none of the people in the seven counties involved (and that number will go higher) give a flying fig what you or I or anyone else wasting time on this forum think.

Those people can however consult with a dusty old document written back in the 1700’s.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

When big city bureaucrats are trying to force rural ranchers literally out of business by creating rules that don’t allow them to market their livestock, when big city bureaucrats are trying to deprive farmers of the fuel they need to run their tractors and get their produce to market…Then those people have a right to stand up and make their voices heard. There are 36 counties in Oregon, it’s possible that a majority of those counties could become a part of this movement.

Time will tell, but their voices need to be heard.

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Lol like there’s any difference between rural Oregon and Idaho.

If you shippped out all the leftist loons I’m not sure how much would be left in Portland!

That’s true. An empty Portland would be better than what’s there now though.