Some early take away's from the election results

Yeah…“we” need more “summers of love” and feces in San Fran.


Just imagine if ALL the money that went into elections went to humanitarian efforts and to the betterment of the country what impact that would have?

All democrat votes come from California and Washington? None from Texas? None from Florida?


Technically it did. It went to Democrats.

Whats weird is your comprehension of why one region shouldn’t pick the president vs another.

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A conflict of visions.

Yes, like why should people with DSL internet have disproportionate power.

I looked at this way, since we already know there’s heated political division. To reword it I would say that NEITHER party is not going to dominate the political landscape at least for the next few years. Although another takeaway for me is that Amnesty/Open borders would be a game changer there.

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True. Which is why I said “essentially”.

Popular vote. Absolutely. Again, very similar to 2016. I doubt anyone is surprised by that.

Visions of a Democracy versus visions of a Republic.

It’s time to end the experiment and let the people go their separate ways.

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It goes deeper than just politics.

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Hillary didn’t get 50%

Biden will clear that Mark easily.


Does him no good.

Representative democracy. What else is there to say? Our election process works fine.

The individuals or the State that represents the individuals?

It’s an indicatior

This needs to be repeated. Repeatedly.

Very true.

And for any candidate to say s/he’s going to represent ALL constituents is pure politicking, and has no chance of being true in the least.

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Conflict of many visions.

I read somewhere the other day something along the lines of “Vote for the country you want to live in”. Of course as represented by the candidate.

I dismissed it as rhetoric, but there may be something to it.

I certainly don’t want to live in a Dem Country as currently platformed.

But I also don’t want to live in a country based on Trump’s personality traits.

A lot of what’s going on today is unacceptable. It’s wrong.

One of my favorite poll questions has always been “Do you agree with the direction the country is heading” or words to that effect. Well… no. Not ever. Why would I ever agree with ever increasing intrusion and imposition?

We are basically pretending to choose our next rapist - but the raping will continue.


Absolutely. It goes to our very cores.