Some counties in Oregon hope to secede and join Idaho

Can’t crack open the door to this. Right now it’s 9 rural counties with little economic value. What if it’s a costal strip of land with ports and inlets next?

No, no, and no. Move or deal with your failure to influence state policy.

What does that have to do with the use of drugs. Are you suggesting a prohibition on opioids?

There are two parts; supply and demand. The border wall will help with the supply side. Also, fentanyl is being added to pills that were never added before. Many of our youth are doing the same-o, same-o, expecting the same results but their choice, killed them due to this new additive.

I get all of this. I agree with all of this.

However, like I said earlier. There are more Christians in Los Angeles/SF/Portland/DC/NYC than the large majority of rural towns/cities combined

So “being and living the life of a Christian” is probably not a solution since we have to assume most self identifying Christians believe they are “good Christians”

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Then…cheers. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Sure. There is legal supply and illegal supply (Chinese Synthetic)

The legal supply is a problem a bigger problem. However, The illegal supply mostly gets inside the US through border entry points or the mail.

How do we stop the illegal supply coming through legal entry points?

I never said otherwise.

Where there is a demand, there will always be a supply.

The war on drugs was doomed from the start.

No, don’t do this @Smyrna.

You cut off the context of my post. Just because I agree with “this is what a good Christian is” doesn’t mean I agree that it is a solution to the problem.

Reading through this thread, I have been winding up to say something like this.

Rather than balkanizing a state, it should be incumbent upon “this side” or “that side” to sway the other.

Opening the door to shifting state boundaries because of disgruntled neighbors will result in an ever-evolving, chaotic political landscape, including constantly-shifting electoral vote values for altered states, and gerrymandered (and maybe even split) state boundaries. I see the precedent as a bad Pandora’s Box if we start this. I’m not a fan of that.

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Implement the death penalty and let’s stop ■■■■■■■ around with the lives of our youth.

Just one data point…

I’m also hearing that the cartels are producing fentanyl to look like Halloween candy. My gosh, if this is true, this evil knows no bounds and should be dealt with much more severely than how our government has so far.

See, I don’t get this.

Are the cartels in business to make money? Or to kill their customers?

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This will help. Guessing they will think twice about trying that again

Sadly Joe Biden and his administration have become, intentionally or not, the business partners of the cartels that now run the southern border. And the cartels are getting filthy rich. When we actually get serious leadership in the White House and somebody tries to put a stop to the cartels control over the southern border are we going to end up in a shooting war with those criminals trying to retain their new found revenue streams?

There will never be enough votes in the Senate to do this, but IMHO Biden’s complete negligence of his administration’s national security responsibility at the Southern Border is impeachable. The left tried to impeach Trump over a phone call…Biden’s gotten 100,000+ Americans killed and has let millions of people just walk across the border.

I don’t know why congress would care. The breakout of the four Idaho/Oregon Senators would remain the same…two Democrats and two Republicans.
I would think the Oregon legislature would be the stumbling block. That would give them fewer assets and people to have control of and my observation is that governments want more power, not less.

It’ll never happen…but having lived the 1st 55 years of my life in mostly in southern and eastern oregon (except for college) I’ve watched Oregon crumble. It’s disgusting what’s happening to Portland. I’d like to move hone someday but not with the current ruling class just making things worse.

This is what 40 years of one party democrat rule gets you.

There’s always been an idea if the state of Jefferson…California from Sacramento north into southern Oregon. If that happened (which it never will) there would be another couple if Republicans in the house and senate you’d have a new state.

The people in rural Oregon don’t have much of a shot…one of my best friends is one of the very minority R’s in the state legislature…she’s doing everything she can just to slow down all the stupid liberal ideas…not long ago they wanted to outlaw diesel. Stupid.

I don’t see how all this ever becomes real but it does send a message that the eastern half of the state has had it with the woke dopes in two or three west side cities.

The more I have thought about this, the more I wonder how the logistics of services would work. For those utilities that are supplied by private companies is no big deal. However how does the transfer of city, county and state controlled unities work?
As far as Congress goes I do realize that is probably no big deal. However control is control no matter at what level. So they might make a big deal about it.

I’m guessing it would shift an electoral vote or two from Oregon to Idaho. Probably a brief firestorm of redistricting would have to occur. Likely the Representative (or two?) who represent(s) that area will stay roughly the same. Probably solid (R) votes from there, regardless of the state the area gets hooked to.

At this point in history, it might make (D) Senators easier to elect in OR, and (R) Senators easier to elect in ID.

Just thinking out loud on this.

I’m already on record as being opposed to the proposal.

In this crazy world we find ourselves in, common sense is no longer common.