Some counties in Oregon hope to secede and join Idaho

Has anyone asked Idaho if they want them?

That’s part of the process.

So, OP: interestingly, “succeed” works, but the correct word is “secede”

I’m sure they do. Idaho is pretty conservative.

How would having a Republican governor make Oregon better?

Do y’all ever provide solutions?

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While I am sympathetic to the desires of the 9 eastern counties, it will never happen.

First of all, the Oregon Legislature would never approve the reduction of their State.

Secondly, Congress will never approve it either and open the proverbial door not only to additionally interstate secessions, but to outright secession attempts from the union.

And any attempt by the counties to unilaterally secede would be very quickly crushed by the Federal Government.

Yes, the eastern counties would be a far better match to Idaho than to the cluster ■■■■ in Portland.

But it will never happen.


Yes…and all you have to do is observe the areas that do not have these problems but…you’re blinded by disdain not allowing you to see the solutions all around you. You’re too far gone believing in the craziness that’s cultivating these problems.

:rofl: Your© “solutions” are usually (always) worse than the problem.

Conservatives solution are always worse than the problem. Or…They often make up a problem, vilify the strawman and still don’t provide solutions.


What policies to conservatives have that would make big cities better?

Take drugs for example… rural communities are getting ravaged by opioids. Why haven’t conservatives fixed that problem yet? War on opioids?

It’s a shame too.

This country sent 400,000 young men to their deaths in World War II to create the opportunity for self determination of people in Europe and Asia.

Yet we can never have self determination because the second it’s tried we all know the State would crush it immediately.

It’s hypocrisy at its worst.


The opioid crisis is affecting every sector of America.

Rural, suburban, urban. You name a location and it’s guaranteed there’s a bunch of fentanyl ferrets around.

So I wouldn’t bash rural America for a problem that is affecting every location in America.

Love The Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself. You may not remember our national motto but it’s, “in God we trust”.

…one huge reason is because the left stopped the conservatives’ southern border wall construction.

You are on my ignore list. I find your commentary to be the worst kind of liberal tripe…

The mere fact that Oregonians have finally had it with the damage the parade of lefties they’ve elected for decades is major news. The election might hinge on MS. Drazan benefitting from a split vote between a genuine lib kook and …

A not quite so kooky lib…

As far as solutions…the stupidest commentary in this forum is when people who voted for the leadership we have today and all the damage it has done beg everyone else for solutions.

Don’t worry…we’ll do our best to fix all the stuff liberals have broken.

There are more Christians in big cities than rural ones. Have another suggestion?

By the way, “be a better Christian” isn’t a viable solution. Can’t be measured.

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The crack problem didn’t really impact rural areas but spawned the “war on drugs”

I’m simply pointing out that now that there is a drug problem that impacts rural areas (in a way that the crack problem didn’t) the talking point of “drugs are a lib problem” is incorrect.

In my small town, drug dealers are often raided and arrested only to be let out by the local DA and judges. That is going to change in just a few weeks as we electors remove those that have failed and elect a new DA and Judges. If THEY do the same, then they will be voted out. The local PD and Sheriff’s are often at the apartment complex behind my home tackling the problem only to arrest the same people again AFTER let out.

How about we focus federally on securing the border and preventing at least some of the street drugs that cross…

Being a Christian isn’t about what you say, it’s what you do and you can identify one if…they come from love, live in love, are promoting love and are heading towards love as they pursue “the way” that was taught by Jesus. There is no question that if all of us were actually Christians, “we” wouldn’t be having this discussion.

Sounds snowflaky.

Can interact with people who don’t think like you? Tsk tsk.

I’m not begging for anything. I’m simply asking where the solutions are from conservatives?

I might even agree that libs aren’t that great for big cities… but I will not just support the opposition without policy solutions to assess. “Libs are bad” is not a policy.

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