Some counties in Oregon hope to secede and join Idaho

if they wish to like in Idaho, one only needs to move there.

none of this secession crapola.

which is a fever dream.


Which I said as much in the other portion of my post.

I don’t think that’s true.

The cartels are making fentanyl in Mexico.

And moving through legal ports and fedex/ups

lets see 60% of the population of the NYC metro area is Christian (mostly catholics) and the population is 20,000,000 give or take

thats over 11.000,000 Christians in the NYC metro area.


I will share your opinions with my friends who live in those counties…who’s families have spent generations building farms and businesses and are now battling the dumbass decisions being made by the lib dumbassery in Portland and salem.

I’m sure they will give your ideas all the consideration they warrant.

Is this idea of becoming part of Idaho actually going to happen? The odds are an overwhelming no.

But it’s important these people stand for themselves and their family’s and their lives. Maybe Oregon will take a step forward and replace the dimmest of wits…Governor Kate brown with the first Republican in decades…that would be a good start toward restoring sanity to that state.

Oregon is a beautiful place…it should be a shining beacon…not a statewide extension of disastrous left wing ism.

And moving it any way they can.

:rofl::+1:t4: yeah right.

what are my figures wrong?

they are factual.

inconvenient i know for your narrative.

but facts none the less.


How would I know? I have no idea where you got them. You could have pulled them out of a rabbit’s ass for all I know.

it wouldn’t change anything

i like facts.



ipso facto

11,000,000 Christians in the NYC Metro area


You believe that 60% of NYers are Christian?

Your link says 77% of Texans are.

i only posted results of a poll. obviously there is polling error. pew conducts accurate polls.

so….i believe the number of Christians in the NYC metro area range between 54 and 64%
