Soft target Alert!

How do you agree after reading the 2nd Amendment?

You didn’t answer my question. Are you saying you get to violate and ignore the Constitution because you’re scared?

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Allowing the public to bring guns into courthouses creates a clear and present danger to judges, security personnel and anyone else in the courthouse. A long history of judges and court officials being attacked bears this out.

Using that logic anyone using a firearm anywhere can be declared a danger to anyone.

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Not at all. Courts are a singular class of their own, meting out long jail sentences, death penalties, highly contested divorce settlements and a myriad of other rulings often against violent criminals with no compunction against taking out a court official or two on their way down.

That was disrespectful, my apologies. That covers the defendants, what about everyone else?

I was thinking about friends of the defendants as one example, who might be there to observe a trial.

Ok, why the jurors?

Can the judge carry?

You ask good questions and I cannot indulge my full attention right now. I’m having discussions on a trade specific forum with real world consequences to myself lol. See ya later.

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Good luck.

I’m as mad as you are when they pass laws targeting Planned Parenthood.

You been planning a trip to the Virginia statehouse with your gun?

Why would you post that crap?

So you’re for this law.

This will only embolden Virginia telephobes to try banning cellphones from the statehouse next.

All politicians lie whether you like it or not. Get used to it.

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Which perfectly makes my point that Australia is a leftist country.

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Armed people are considered soft targets as well.

There will be lots of guns in and around the Capitol, just not in civilian hands.

No way the “lawmakers” are going to put themselves at the same risk as the public.