Socialism Will Destroy Us


Yes, Social Security will be our downfall.

How is that socialism when I payed in to it?

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Like what?

Socialism is great until the money runs out…then what.

Just what am I afraid of???

Socialism and the Notorious AOC are scary monsters, huh?

The GI bill destroyed America?

Should you live long enough you will get more than you paid into the program.

That would be socialism.

lol - no.

Get more money.

Money can’t run, or walk. No legs.


ICAM! And it won’t matter what side your on, full blown socialism will not discriminate it will have devastating impact on everyone, except the master minds behind the scam! And if the wealthy liberal elite don’t GET OUT quick enough to save their businesses & fortunes they will be dragged down into the socialist pit of hell as well. It happened to the wealthy in Cuba and I’m sure in Venezuela.

And the masterminds behind the push to socialism in the USA are sitting in academia brainwashing & GW scaring our children and in Government primarily in the Democrat Party. We won’t just have corrupt career politicians we will end up with full blown totalitarians.

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I think the right wing has gone full blown hysterical

America hates socialized medicine but loves the idea of Medicare for All. Unfortunately Democrats are going to have to play some word games in 2020. We got to get the stupid voters back from Trump.


Hmm. We could say some non white foreigners are coming to take our healthcare away and kill us

Would you care to elaborate?

Why are we perpetually associating social programs with socialism?

Its a means of production thing, people.


Socialism is already destroying the US.

The borders are porous with the escapees of hard socialism. Their sympatico ideologues run media and legislative interference with propaganda intended to soothe the American middle class while it still has strength and Constitutional awareness.

Europe and Canada are already further along Socialism Lane, so the push has to be the last stalwart of anti-socialism…the USA.
