Socialism Will Destroy Us

And tariffs… Let the free market set the prices, not the government…

I think we may be a few centuries away from that but even in that situation I think there will be work… just a different kind of work

If the death panels and ebola don’t get ya, Socialism will.

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Listening to glen beck now…basically SOCIAALISSSMMMM gonna destroy us

What do you mean. Of course we are exactly like Venezuela. Just like ten years ago we were exactly like Greece. That destroyed us back then. This will destroy us next if we not all run over by a caravan first!

The home of the brave has become the home of the terrified.


I’ve lost the will to care about what is called “socialist” and what is not. I’ll listen once you no longer use that word.

Yeah, all of our agencies are corrupted with liberal socialists enemies of the good people. You need to get others who really care and support Trump taking control and in doing away with all of them so that America can truly be the great country it was intended to be!

He alone can save us from the most destructive force of the last century! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!

It’s the 2004 gay marriage terror!! And so many ■■■■■■■ idiots on the right will be more than happy to jump on board.

Yup. The Republican playbook. Be afraid, be very very afraid. Geez.

A temporarily embarrassed millionaire.

Lots of ■■■■■

Didnt we hear all this ■■■■ with ACA

Those pushing socialism want to destroy America!

Example to what you think is a socialist program?

Your English needs work comrade.

Are you a grammar Nazi or something?

Women voting will destroy us!
The end of slavery will destroy us!
Integration will destroy us!
Gay marriage will destroy us!
Tan suits will destroy us!

It’s the same old song

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Example to what you think is a grammar Nazi?

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Gays in the military and healthcare for more people will destroy us!
