So why no leaked calls to world leaders

And Trump’s chaotic management style, constantly pitting the different factions in his administration against each other, led to them constantly leaking in an attempt to undermine the other factions.

And we really can’t underestimate how much of it was Trump himself because he loves the media and desperately desired the approval of the New York Times especially. “A source close to the president” was almost always Trump himself.

Not only that, political appointees all resign the morning of January 20th, every 4 years.


obviously because the snake swamp is now happy


Maybe even more simply they release summaries of all their phone calls and then the press secretary takes questions every weekday? Instead of acting like they’re hiding something.

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What Government Thugs…Who ya talking about. We got Thugs in GOverment??? Who are they?

Every single person, aside from military personnel and physical plant/housekeeping, that worked in the Trump White House was either hired by him, or hired by someone hired by him.

There are no holdover positions inside the West Wing.

Doctor, I am surprised at you! You should know that victimhood is the absolute foundation of conservatism😉


That should have been your first clue he was wrong for the job…

Just about all of em.

Greatest reporter tweet of this whole circus was after Trump gave his sort of concession, insurrection is bad speech: “No, “source close to Ivanka Trump” I will not print that Ivanka was responsible for his new tone and convinced him to give the speech.”

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Next republican admin will know now. If one gets election that will be my first thread here.

Fire all those hold over bastards now.

Lol you constantly defended Trump’s refusal to appoint like seven out of ten of his political appointees through the first two or three years of his administration, leaving control of virtually everything in the hands of the bureaucracy you claim to hate?

Personnel is policy. That’s not just Politics 101, it’s Business Management 101.

White House staff is entirely composed of people that the president selects. Exceptions are cooks, valets, butlers etc.

You probably mean to refer to the career bureaucrats in the various departments

Yes…about not reloading goverment with more boots. Because I advocating eliminating lot of positions/personal from goverment.

Nice try to reframe my opinion.

Again…Which positions has Biden replaced that Trump didn’t?

Don’t know don’t care. Biden isn’t my pres. I just know I have to wait 4 years to get libs out.

Harris will be pres in 2 or 3 years anyway.

The President doesn’t have the power to unilaterally eliminate any positions, outside of the 4,000 or so political appointee jobs.

The State Department isn’t going to disappear if the President doesn’t appoint a Secretary of State - it’ll just end up being run by career civil service guys, rather than political appointees.

And??? Then what???