So why no leaked calls to world leaders

“Only the best people…”

You’re complaining about a double standard without knowing if it actually happened or not?

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Nah - it’s the foundation of Trumpism.

Trumpists wouldn’t know what conservatism was if it walked right up to them and stared them in the face.

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I haven’t been following Biden regime. As for double standards it’s what libs do best.

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Yeah but she doesn’t have big binders full of papers and stuff.

You can’t expect him to be able to implement his policies if he doesn’t appoint people to implement them.

And it’s you say this but then you complain the civil service is running things when if you don’t appoint someone the senior civil service dude runs the thing.


leaks? (not Leahy) they would never let him appear without his depends…

They’re right wing Jacobins, not conservatives. Conservatives are by definition for maintaining the status quo or at the most incrementally improving things so as not to disrupt the overall social order.

Edmund Burke and Russell Kirk weep.


I really like the fact all this stuff makes me bored and not want to pay attention. It’s such a relief.

No kidding.

I never defended that he was a stable genius, or any other kind. It was a ridiculous statement. All I have ever said was that I agreed with him on the issues and he seemed to try to stick with those.
I have always distanced from his personal activities, other than to say that’s not why I voted for him. Quit trying to stick me with all of Trumps actions and name callings.
First of all, this is not about me.

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You want double standards.
Remember all the complaints we used to see about EOs.
Seen any of those from the same complainers, recently?


Actually a lot of Biden supporters have complained about governing by EO…me among them.

I have, but the current literal existential emergency situation has made me a bit more flexible atm.

Nope…zippo. Total silence from forum libs.

Remember them keeping track of Covid deaths? Everyday it was thrown around…that too fell silence by forum libs. :wink:


I mean y’all act like I’m a communist and I’ve literally not criticized anything to ram through help during COVID. Not the stimulus packages, not any EOs, none of it. If you can’t deficit spending during a combination pandemic slash recession, when should you.

EOs themselves are not a problem. They serve an important purpose.

It is the quality of the EOs that matters - not the quantity.


Its not crazy ■■■■ that causes the leaks. Leaks are caused by traitors.

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