So why do we need a wall?

Hey we agree- and you agree with the findings of most of the Border Security folks- that we need appropriate spending of money that focuses on many things- shoring up fencing and walls that need improvement (theres already over 600 miles of it on the border), improving electronic surveillance, adding more asylum judges and hiring more border agents. But that sure doesn’t sound the same as Build a Great 2000 mile Wall which I hope you agree…is ludicrous.

GoFundMe Build The Wall. Donate and donate some more. America needs you since there is zero chance of getting the wall funding through the House.

What do you expect them to say when they are meeting with the big boss? You guys are buying in hook, line and sinker to anything this administration says. They are making up facts about the wall and border security and a threat to national security and you just eat it up. And all of this is because Trump needs a win for a campaign promise he made. He doesn’t care about border security. And if he doesn’t get the win he wants the fight to go all the way to the 2020 election. He is convinced that this is a political winner. Not to mention that he might have violated law by using these Agents for political purposes. But you just go ahead and believe everything this government tells you to believe.

If there are areas where it isn’t necessary…then let’s not spend the money. What I want us all to agree on is where the agents say it is necessary, let’s do it? Do you agree?

You should probably talk to Trump and all his followers who still imagine a giant 2000 mile long wall. Its delusional. I’m glad you agree with that. And yes- the agents don’t want that either. Lets do sensible border protections that actually work.

It didn’t matter whether it was an R or a D house, it didn’t happen. The establishment politicians don’t want a wall. They want political donations from those who benefit economically from illegal immigration. Now “we” have a POTUS who doesn’t need the money and is serious about border security.

You go President Trump. :clap:

After the deal of 1986 and getting the raw end of it, many are just plain fed up and I completely understand their frustration and distrust of our government.

Sure I get there’s a need for more effort on dealing with illegal immigration. But let’s focus on things that work- the Wall is a bad idea and I think you know it. Let’s spend money appropriately instead of just to back up a bad campaign pledge.

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Yeah. Walls don’t stop illegal crossings. They don’t work.

I think Nancy and Chuck are lying through their teeth. They are terrified that a wall would work.

Nobody thinks the wall will work. Even the majority of Republican voters think the wall is stupid.

Who made you the expert? Have you been listening to Chuck and Nancy who have no clue? These guys actually are experts.

You are in error. Some Politicians think they don’t work. Why on earth would anybody believe that politicians who are typically lawyers no jack crap about border security? They don’t. These guys do know.

Think about all the carbon emissions being cut down by those 800,000 (non-essential) government workers not driving to work every day. I think I am understanding the logic now behind the shutdown, brilliant.

If Chuck and Nancy actually thought that a wall would not work, they would have no reason to oppose it. The government would still be open.

What report do you think the dems are going to put out but one that’s agrees with them. There are many reports out there that state support for more border fencing and there are many reports out there that support more technology.
This whole fight is a war of words One side twists the other sides words to meant open borders. The other side twists the words of the other side to mean a wall along the whole border. The media hammers these two lies on their shows 24/7 and soon has everyone screaming at each other. Then we have members of the house and senate on both sides repeating these same lies instead of sitting down with each other and working out a plan to make the border more secure.
No one has ever said that we are going to built a fence along the whole border. But there are still places where a border wall would help BC agents with their jobs that hasn’t been built. No one has said that some of the money won’t go for drones and other technology. But the media has people running around with their hair on fire over what one side or the other wants to do. And the members of the house and senate on both sides use this to fire up their base.
We all need to grow up and contact our senators and house members and say enough is enough. Put your big boy pants on and work together and get something done besides grand standing.

That’s great… Should we start polling privates in the military for our military strategy? I’m interested in the exactly what we are going to do with $5 billion and having hearings in congress more that listening to random border agents. I’ll bet they also think field agents should be paid $250K/year…

I listened to you. You said yourself that they won’t stop crossings.

Was that a mistake?

Not really, they have their own agenda. :wink:

I’ll bet if we took the same survey and asked the same 600 border agents if we should double their salary we could get close to 99% approval…

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