So, Who Was "Hacking" gropey joe's Comms Back in 2018?

gropey joe texted his lowlife son and warned him “Be careful what you text. Likely I’m being hacked” as gropey joe considered his presidential run in 2018.

Who was doing this??

Or is this some paranoid/senile Ross Perot type “cia men crossing my lawn” type kookery.

What’s the answer??

You’re reading those very private texts at this moment, aren’t you?

Doesn’t seem “paranoid” to me.


Ouch, burn!

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:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

Article never said how it was obtained aside from mentioning a screenshot.

You’re saying that these texts we’re reading now were made public because of a “hack”?

I thought it was “russian disinformation”.

Get your story straight. Try again. Answer the question.


No burns here. Just people not thinking through their knee-jerk responses.

Of course it was the Russians. The same people who put fake pictures of Biden’s threesome with high paid ho’s on the hard drive. I mean dude, they almost look real!

I’m sure there is something nefarious here…:joy:

Dunno. There were some big hacks in 2018. Although Biden being a public, government officials leads me to suspect state actors. If so, there may be a national security black out on it. :man_shrugging:

It was from the Daily Mail article about Hunter’s laptop.

Ooooh look who else covered it?
Hunter Biden’s laptop was his all along, claims Daily Mail’s forensic expert, verifying drugs, prostitution and porn pics — RT USA News

So did FNC. That’s where I saw the pics. Do you believe the pics are fake? Part of the Russian/ Giuliani conspiracy?

I don’t believe they came from that laptop, that’s for sure.

Yes. My point exactly.

You skipped my only question.

Do you believe the pics are fake? Part of the Russian/ Giuliani conspiracy?

No. I think Hunter was a very troubled person. The photos look real. They’re lying about where they came from though.

Who is “They?” The FBI has the laptop. They know if the pics were on it. That’s not a lie “They” can get away with.

Who released the photos and texts? Was that the FBI?

Don’t know don’t care. The FBI can validate them as real or fake. They don’t seem to be in a hurry to do this. I wonder why?

I’ll help you . It wasn’t the FBI.

And if you believe the laptop that was left in some computer shop in Delaware and somehow ended up in Rudy’s possession was Hunter’s, IDK what to say.