So who is coming in and out of White house?

Wait…I thought libs convinced me that only they’re best and brightest people on earth.

As you said they were scientist and so-called professionals experts etc.

Say…aren’t they same type of people that claimed Global warming is based on science, professors and so-called experts etc?

As for good thing…it took Trump to get er done.


There is a Covid task force meeting broadcast every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
They have done them since Biden took office.


Yep. :+1:t2:

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Oh so it doesn’t count. Interesting standard, considering your whole argument was whether Trump said it or not.

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Oh no! I’m not discussing Trump. This thread is about The Better.

Is it? Trump was a horrible person, worst President ever, etc.

Is Jbiden not supposed to be better? Or is doing the same enough?

I think conservatives should refrain from complaining about things they supported under Trump.


I want to know who is really ■■■■■■■ president…that’s what I want to know.

It’s sure as hell ain’t Biden.

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Under normal circumstances then I would agree the Biden administration should embrace the Democratic tradition of transparency, but these aren’t normal circumstances, that would be like doxxing someone knowing there is an army of crazed Trump supporters out there who have already shown a propensity for violence long before the Capitol unpleasantness.


It’s Trump and it will be proven.

How will it be proven and who will prove it?

Do you believe Trump will be President on March 4th?

No its not

There we go

Well, I’m a liberal and I was promised better, not the same ol’ thang.

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Ron Klain right now.

You know better, you get the same old thang just different flavor every cycle

No. That is Biden’s new standard. Just like his promise to be a unifier not a divider. Did he lie about all of it?

Biden White House pledges data, transparency, respect for free press | Reuters

“President Joe Biden’s press secretary held her first news conference on Wednesday, seven hours after Biden’s inauguration, vowing to bring truth and transparency back to government.”

Or maybe Psaki just spoke out of turn again.


Yup, they are screwing up on this one

Worse. Our border is being flooded while people are trying to get vaccinated.

I was at the border…did not see a flood :thinking:

Maybe you should remove the rose colored glasses :sunglasses:

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