So what's the next "scandal?"

With the half dozen investigations into this attempted coup they will not stop!

Way to many investigations into the Obama Administration for them to stop!

They are talking about looking into Hunter’s past travel to determine if there was any shenanigans regarding government sponsorship of his personal business ventures. Use of Air Force one or Air Force two and that type of thing. Probably not a bad idea. Yes?

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Too bad there isn’t a 25th amendment applicable to Congress.
Which reminds me. Remember the time they wanted to get rid of Trump because he was clearly locked away mumbling to himself about all the bad things they were saying about him, and unable to come out of that condition to conduct business?
Now shoot to the scene of the SOTU. Who looked unstable and unable to conduct themselves properly there?


Yes, add that to the other investigation.

Thus one should be quick and easy. The travel logs don’t lie.

The only issue I see is people holding back this easily accessible information.

I think they are maintained by the secret service. There probably won’t be much resistance. We’ll see.

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The President mentioned today that Kevin McCarthy would be in line to be speaker of the house if they win in November. :sunglasses:

This pic says it all. Blatent hate…she HATES Trump. Calls herself “prayerful”…looks like bitterness to me. Not a good look for u, Madame Speaker.
Btw, heard a full time Dem water carrier say this morning that Pelosi looked petty when she tore up the speech…said it made her cringe when she saw it n say “that’s not a good optic at all…”

It did look petty. However, this is being discussed as much as the actual speech. She wins … again.

Luckly, independants that saw the speech were 90% in favor of it. I doubt she played that well…

I bet it’s, Trump had help from extraterrestrials…

Excellent news. Let’s keep the impeachment front and center in the public mind.

I am impressed he knows that the minority leader becomes speaker if they’re in the majority. That is not snark. I am actually surprised and impressed.

Really? I’m not sure that the way it is being discussed is much of a victory for her.


“in favor of a speech” lol

Really. It’s being discussed. Are the contents of the speechj?

What;s missing here?

If the leftists in the House actually did their jobs in 2020 as opposed to endlessly trying to reverse the results of the election in 2016 would that be “scandalous”?

That’s not Pelosi. That’s Trump responding as he inevitably would to the impeachment victory and Pelosi.
What, you thought he would humbly promise to be a better President from now on and that he understood Pelosi was under a lot of pressure?