So what do you think Trump agreed to?

If the reports of Trump still running around with web enabled Android phones are true, then lots of countries are listening in to Trump and not just his phone convos, it’s like Hesco walking around with a microphone and camera for other people to listen in on.

There are probably many ways the meeting could have been recorded. My specific point was that there were no bugs or listening devices in the room. To any sane person, it would be a given that the room would have been swept by both the Russians and Americans ahead of the meeting.

They aren’t true. Trump is using a device provided him by the Secret Service.

This is how I imagine the Secret meeting between Trump and Putin went.

i guess they must have used Pruit’s gently used one

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From your linked article. The content doesn’t begin to support the headline and it doesn’t contradict my prior statement.

The president uses at least two iPhones, according to one of the officials. The phones — one capable only of making calls, the other equipped only with the Twitter app and preloaded with a handful of news sites — are issued by White House Information Technology and the White House Communications Agency, an office staffed by military personnel that oversees White House telecommunications.

The White House declined to comment for this story, but a senior West Wing official said the call-capable phones “are seamlessly swapped out on a regular basis through routine support operations. Because of the security controls of the Twitter phone and the Twitter account, it does not necessitate regular change-out.”


He agreed to accept the return of all the weaponized uranium that Hillary gave him.

Run along now. Men are talking.

Five days later and no one in the US knows what Trump and Putin talked about.

What about all the other info in that article that completely contradicts what you want to believe?

Look, let’s just cut to the chase. Obviously Donald Trump is an impetuous, reckless, undisciplined person. His OpSec is awful because he doesn’t understand how it works, doesn’t care, and it’s inconvenient to him. Nobody tells The Donald what to do.

We saw this in his first days of his presidency when in an open air setting he was going over classified info using a cell phone as a light.

He will and does call up all kinds of random people. Are their lines secured? What is Sean Hannitys OpSec? Trump and Hannity talk almost every night.

The guy is an OpSec disaster. A bullhorn carrying a microphone and camera for every country from Montenegro on up.

But Hillary and those 3 emails…

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Not exactly. If you are talking conservatives, then yes we are free to be men. But liberals don’t like the term. So liberals can just be guys.

Fair enough?

Just so stupid.

Thank you Tommy boy!!! This is how I judge the brilliance of my typically amazing posts. If Tommy boy hates it, then I have exceeded even my own high expectations! :sweat_smile:

That’s a helluva standard. But you old guys with this whole “feminizing boys” thing, it’s plain ludicrous. These young dudes-like the generation after me-out here bagging more broads than any of y’all ever did and they’re even bigger misogynistic jerks about it than you boomers.

I presented two snippets of factual information from the article. The rest of the article is simply spin on those and a small handful of other facts.

I’ve presented multiple salient arguments, throughout this thread, that have fallen on deaf ears. So once again I’m left with no option but to invoke the Trump hatred meme.

So as you say, let’s cut to the chase. You have a visceral hatred for Trump and you froth at the mouth at the mere mention of his name.

So there I’ve said it.

I’m moving on.

Nah. Rump is reckless and does whatever. That’s bitchy Trump hating. That’s the he scoreboard and the obvious result of having a life without any limits or accountability.

SO now that we know this isn’t “Trump hating”, a childish deflection if there ever was one, it’s safe to say that’s if the US doesn’t know what international security agreements were made by Trump, Russia does and has the recordings.

Oh Donald, what have you done now.

Just a coincidence it contained all of the Czech fortifications too…