So what do you think Trump agreed to?

it’s like there was a brief period where parents were able to get their kids to show more respect and then it snapped back and went even further than were it was for my generation.

i remember how religious people were, during the AIDS epidemic (for lack of a better term), about using condoms and next thing you know i’m older and people are telling me that people weren’t using condoms much at all. i always wondered if that was true.

Oh it’s defintiely true. It’s especially baffling to me because I grew up during the AIDS scare, but these days with IUDs and stuff that’s like a hundred percent effective birth control, safe sex has fallen way back on the list of priorities

And it’s crazy, there’s probably never been a better time to be single in your thirties or forties. These young dudes are so awful that the age stigma is totally gone; college girls and up are actively hunting for older guys now.

i worked with a woman when i was really young and she was an old hippie. she told us at lunch one day that she and her friends viewed the pill as a blessing when they were younger. she was older then and said she now viewed it as a curse (causing STDs to explode). i’ll never forget that.

i just googled “birth control pill history” and look what totally off topic things i found. times sure have changed…

"1965: The Supreme Court (in Griswold v. Connecticut) gave married couples the right to use birth control, ruling that it was protected in the Constitution as a right to privacy. However, millions of unmarried women in 26 states were still denied birth control.

1970: Feminists challenged the safety of oral contraceptives (the Pill) at well-publicized Congressional hearings. As a result, the formulation of the Pill was changed, and the package insert for prescription drugs came into being."

I picture a lot of these elderly conservatives in real life, sitting around the barbershop in their bib overalls railing on about the good old days when men were allowed to be men.

I’m pretty amused by it considering that girly dude with the man-bun and sweater is getting laid texting “wanna ■■■■■■ on Tinder and sending pictures of his penis as an opening line.

you missed this little gem

The president has gone as long as five months without having the phone checked by security experts. It is unclear how often Trump’s call-capable phones, which are essentially used as burner phones, are swapped out.


The West Wing official refuted the idea that the presence of a camera and microphone on the president’s phone posed any risk, telling POLITICO, “Due to inherent capabilities and advancement in technologies, these devices are more secure than any Obama-era devices.”

keeping in mind this is a white house that is having difficulty with spellcheck on official releases

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Nice. You found an entire group to condemn! Grouping, shaming, isolating and judging is about the only thing y’all can keep from screwing up. Lets see how this brilliant strategy works for you in 2020.

I can’t wait for the recordings. Oh. I’m so worried. If they were illegally taken, which they probably were, are they even admissible. I don’t think so Tim.

Actually I didn’t. I just thought the one I provided was more relevant.

"The White House declined to comment for this story, but a senior West Wing official said the call-capable phones “are seamlessly swapped out on a regular basis through routine support operations. Because of the security controls of the Twitter phone and the Twitter account, it does not necessitate regular change-out."

sure, there is never any changes in software over the course of 5 month but its inconvenient so lets not make Trumpy mad. you are also completely ignoring Peter’s link

how would they be probably illegal?

Odd perspective that Russian recordings of the President’s solo session with Putin would be admissible. Nobody’s arguing their legality or admissability or even that they’d ever see the light of day inless Trump starts walking back what he agreed to in private.

Very odd perspective indeed. I’m guessing you can see Sarah Palin’s porch from there.

As I stated previously. The article is a hit piece. They believe Trump is putting our nation at risk, despite security experts in the WH stating otherwise. And of course forum members such as yourself jump on the hit piece in support of your Trump is a bumbling idiot narrative. I simply see it is more frothing at the mouth.

You seem to think, based on your posts, every news article that is everything. Vaguely critical of trump is either a hit piece or fake news

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Or liberal talking points.

Actually that isn’t true at all. But the article in question clearly is a hit piece.