So Trump declared a National Emergency...What precedent does this set going forward? Is Nancy Pelosi right?

That I will agree with. I have always maintained the viewpoint that regardless of the various viewpoints of each side, the real “war” should be the people against the government, unified in that one goal that no matter what side is in power, the government should be held in check. That no longer seems to be the case, as we see that what ever side is in power appears to look the other way in regards to overreach as long as it’s their side doing it.


It has been growing ever since FDR. And not in a good way by any means. And Congress continues to repeatedly abdicate their role as a co-equal branch of government time and time again. It is very worrying, that we are at a point of another giant leap forward that could have untold consequences for our liberties down the road.

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So you can’t support a position someone has without having to support everything about that said person?

How do libs make it through life with that kind of requirement?

you’re going to have wait for my reply. Guess it’s needs approval because we are all 5 years old around here. :wink:

man. that’s a really good point and post. we’re going to follow a very similar path with this power grab.

I just complain about the constant whataboutery i get every post i make.

I get that. But you have to admit a lot of that comes from the fact that both sides are OK with some things because it’s their side doing it, but don’t want to admit that happens, therefore the old Whataboutism!!! gets thrown out as a way to not have to address that fact.

we need a thread where posters come up with all the things that the next Democratic President could use a state of emergency for. i bet there are many things we haven’t even thought of yet.


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Sure. I think it is more effective to point out specifically who does it though.

Feel free.

Yes and no to the question in the op.

Yes there could be a danger for a national emergency for climate change or healthcare. That’s why I don’t t like trump going this route.

To those libs daydreaming of going after firearms: not a chance in hell. The border, healthcare, and protecting the environment are things a person can at least make an argument it’s a responsibility of govt.

Thinking they can use it to go after gun control would be would be not only going after something there is no argument that it’s the purview of the federal govt. it is in fact banned from doing so. If you want a national emergency going after guns, you better hold a constitutional convention first.


I believe that the difference that the courts will look at is that all of the previous NED’s were done as immediate action to a problem. You know, emergency means do something now. It is obvious that Trump has manufactured this crisis. And he is now only taking this action because he realizes that he can’t fulfill his campaign promise without doing it. His action is nowhere near what previous POTUS has done. And I believe all of the courts will find in that regard.

Go ahead with the impeachment then. Seriously. Throw your cards on the table. Quit talking smack. Ya’ll have the House. Go for it. Quit dancing around it and make that the bar you set for impeachment proceedings. Please.

Absolutely right, these judges have no fidelity to the constitution, at all

Is name calling necessary.

What name did I call you? I said it was arrogant of you to claim to be a real conservative implying others were not.

You know damn well I was referring to the “cute” little monikers used against those who voted for Trump.

Did I use something along those lines with you?

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You said I arrogantly claimed something. Means you think I am arrogant. Hence the name calling. How difficult is that to comprehend?

There are many types of conservatives and they all have different types of ideas that they feel are important. In other words all conservatives don’t walk lock step together. But we are all conservatives. What you feel is a real or true conservative might not be what someone else feels is a true conservative. But we are all in the same tent and I don’t feel every conservative has to feel the same way that I do.
What I find troubling right now is the people that feel that they have the right to shame Trump supporters because somehow they are morally superior to conservatives that do support Trump. We need every conservative we can get to stay in the party and help push conservative ideas.
I can say that Trump has a big mouth and should keep it shut a lot of the time. As far as his personal life that is between him and his family and God.
But I can also say that he has achieved things that conservatives should be happy about. I have been around a long time and have lived through a lot of presidents. There has never been a conservative president that I agreed with every he did. But that’s the way life is you take the good with the bad and keep working to get more policies that you like passed.
I can honestly say that I’m not sure declaring a National Emergency to get more border wall built is the way to go. Much like obama using an EO to get DACA I believe both Presidents over stepped the power the office holds. But as you can see DACA has not been struck down and the SC roved 4 to 4 and it was kicked back to the lower courts. And it will eventually make it back to the SC. Honestly I think the SC should rule what obama did as unconstitutional and that they should rule what Trump is doing is unconstitutional. Both Presidents tried to end run congress and get what they wanted and the courts should slap both presidents.
This will put the ball back in the hands of congress and we all know that this is a problem that neither party really wants to deal with. And the reason they are such chickens and wont deal with the problems is votes. But after 50 years I believe the chickens have come home to roost and both sides are going to have to come up with a deal to solve the problem once and for all.

Is that calling you a NAME or commenting on your behavior?

Because they do not believe in a conservative agenda and never have. And will do anything to stop it.