So libs, what exactly do you like about mass migration?

Who here called @altair1013 a bad man?

For shame! He provides hours of second-tier entertainment!

I mean…you can’t always watch Oscar-worthy material. Sometimes you have to go slumming in the B-movies!


Because every time one the 2-3 posters who started a “hur hur here’s what libs believe, and I’m going to argue that they all believe this no matter what any liberals on the forum actually say” threads, it turns out the same every time. You don’t want a discussion. You just want to tell libs what they believe and excoriate them for it.

I don’t know any forum liberals who have supported totally unchecked migration, especially refugees. Seems you’re beating a straw man.

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You are exactly correct. Which is why Altair is always requested at parties. My wife and both of my mistresses say that other than my striking good looks, the first thing they noticed was my wonderful sense of humor. I am so happy to have you as a fan now as well. What took you so long?

I am not saying they can’t be educated, I am saying it would be better if people really think America has a birthrate problem, then maybe the government could try programs to get the host population to reproduce more.

Housing is to high, most millennials (My Generation) are putting off having children to a later age. I live in Seattle the housing prices are through the roof and they are hardly building new houses because of zoning issues. California has an even bigger problem with affordable housing.

Even if you flood the west with migrants the facts I listed above doesn’t change you are educating a class of people into a society we’re its very difficult to make it financially. 36% of jobs in the U.S. are contract jobs were the employee pays no benefits.

I’m ok with a merit based immigration policy but even that needs regulated we don’t need to get rid of all American I.T. workers and replaces them with Indians which is exactly what has been happening over the last 10 years.

That first paragraph is hardly conservative. The rest of it has some interesting basis. I just have to break something to you. Your position is a few decades too late.

I’ll remember that in the future.

But you got “Rush said” working out so well for you

I totally disagree. We have no birthrate problem. In the 1970’s we had 200 million people. And nobody complained that we didn’t have enough people. Why are we complaining now when we have 330 million people? We are fine with 330. We don’t need to pave everything that’s green east of the Mississippi. And the population pyramid scheme never ends. When we have 400 million people, y’all will claim we need 500 million. It never ends.

What you did was a parliamentary trick,sort of Mx. 1013588. A device to get your POV on the table. You KNEWS the gutter libs would dummy up when you axed the brilliant question.

Anyway… You earned an UPVOTE! More more!

Well my neighbors used to call me “Old Smoothie.” I guess they must be right.

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BTW. What is the significance of that number?

There’s science behind the looks part, you know.

By and large, good looks do correlate with a conservative political mindset.

And PS. Immigrant was a term tossed out but the spewing left. The original term was “illegal alien”.

But both those phrases are outmoded. Obviously at this point colonization, invasion, and mass migration are better descriptions.

What’s fascinating is that much of Obama’s hatred for America can be traced back to his dislike of **colonialism ** … Something Americans had never given a white of thought to before the god emperor.

Obama believes America are colonialists in the same vein of the Brit Empire a hundred years ago. I suppose he’s mad bekez Hawaii is a state instead of a backwards naked fish gathering society. Racist white guys interjecting themselves into the Hawaii life and all that jazz.

Yet he has ZERO angst about creating the condition to make the super migration we’re witnessing now here and around the world possible. The only thing in his wee brain that would make it better is if the SA colony starters were also mus boys.

When I see numbers on the end of a handle I always add more. No rhyme nor reason.Just a thing. You could retaliate by saying Howdies MrOldTimer3.007,

Just don’t add 666. That would be spooky. We would not want to be spooky.

I am not a pure conservative, I probably am with you on many issues including healthcare and the welfare state. I am however heavily against open borders and illegal immigration, in which I believe helps drain and strain the welfare state and increase healthcare costs.

Immigration is front of center the biggest issue dominating most of the western world right now. And the open border policies in 2015 has ushered in the far right across Europe and I personally don’t want that, or were that leads.

But it seems the lefts answer is to double down and ignore what the majority of the population wants. That has never had a good outcome in the past.

I’m not saying we have a birthrate problem. I was saying if people think we do have one (Or if it turns out to be true) there are things the government could do to incentivize Americans having more children than cart them in from the third world.

I don’t…

What do I like about mass migration? The vaguely Kepler feel to it I suppose.


As a Liberal I do not like anything about mass migration.

I feel the same today as I felt before I was Left out of the Republican Party and cast off as an enemy of the Right by Trump and his fans.