So libs, what exactly do you like about mass migration?

I’m just curious. It appears to be a disaster everywhere is happening. How many stories have you read regarding how mass migration has improved the quality of live in communities that have been affected by it? Probably zero. How many stories have you read about these communities becoming dangerous hell holes? Probably many, if you are bothering to look. Just look at what’s happening in many European areas that have been overrun by migrants. It ain’t pretty. Have you ever been to one of these crime ridden third world countries? Even in touristy places popular with Americans, people are warned not to venture too far off of the resort property. So why do we want that here? Why do we want to import their problems? They have totally screwed up their countries. Why do want them to screw up ours? Why do we want to repeat the same mistakes that Europe is making? We have a pretty good thing going on here. It’s so good here that millions of people want in but NOBODY wants out. We could screw the whole thing up if we are not careful. We need to be careful. Allowing 100 million people from these countries to flood in unchecked is an absolute disaster in the making. It would totally destroy the good thing we have here. How can anybody be in favor of this?

BTW. We already know you opinion of Trump. And we all know that Altair is a bad, bad man. So what I’m looking for is your opinion. How can this possibly make life better here?

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Colbert told them it was good. That’s deep as it gets on the left…

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Well what does that other mindless clown Jimmy Kimmel think? That’s important too ya know.

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Oh yeah. If our country were being invaded by millions of conservatives, the wall would already be 40 feet high and stretching from sea to shining sea.

Yes, if they came with Thomas Paine tee shirts instead of Che’ the left would be freaking…

Gosh, not one lefty can figure out why the want to flood the country with immigrants.

It’s been explained time and time again. Birth rates are dropping, skilled workers are plummeting.

You explained nothing. Migrants are not providing anyone with skilled labor. They are largely uneducated and unskilled. I live in an area with a large population of Indian immigrants. They are educated. They provide skilled labor. And they are legal. The best way to get skilled labor is to have 100 million third world types crash our border? Do you know how absurd that sounds? No country has been improved by this wave of mass migration. Not a single one. We need to get a clue.

Let’s be honest. You know it’s about votes. I know it’s about votes, everybody knows it’s about votes. Shall we stop playing this silly game?

All the best threads start with “So Libs.”


Well you gotta admit. It would be really stupid to ask conservatives this question. I think we all already know the opinion of the cons.

Since I am never offended when someone refers to me as a con, I simply assumed that liberals don’t mind being identified as Libs. Very unsensitive of me. Sorry. :disappointed_relieved:

Oh, I almost forgot. What is it about mass migration that you find so appealing?

I think they overall probably benefit the economy, but they suck to look at.

Why do you bother to ask questions that you already think you know the answer to.

Birth rates are dropping because people can’t afford the costs of children in the west. Bringing in the third world that have to be supported by taxpayers to have children to populate a country is the most backwards solution I have yet to hear the left bring on why open borders are good. It’s hard to fathom anyone is buying this form of reasoning, rather than trying to incentivize American couples to have more children, if they think birthrates is an issue. Ten years ago the left was telling us the biggest problem in the world is over populating, now there saying we need more people.

It costs a lot to live in the west, most families have both parents working, the average price for a child from birth to 18 is over $200,000. Most people don’t have that kind of money and the people running across the border definitely do not have that type of money. So who is on the hook for the cost of the democrat baby producing open border solution? The taxpayers.

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That’s nice. Your thread didn’t ask about migrants. You asked about immigration.

In an attempt to take the OP on it’s face, rather than the obvious troll post it is:

How do you define “mass” migration? How many migrants equals “mass”?

Yes the drop in birth rate is directly related to the current generation currently thinking that it is too expensive. They are not having kids because they graduated into one of the worst job markets ever. But the drop is also due to us living in a post modern Society.

Again the thread isn’t about the the third world. It’s about mass migration. Who said you can’t train the children skills?

Mass migration means immigration. The OP is fascinating.

Because it’s fun to watch the dance. We all need to have a little fun, right?

But maybe I got it all wrong. Why do you think that mass migration its such an amazing idea?

The reason people are saying the “third world” is because that is were the overwhelming vast majority of people in the West are coming from.

And you have good odds of guessing which of about 2-3 posters is the author of the thread.

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