So it's end of January 2021 and we have president Biden

But he would be kissing Xi Jinping ass.

Oh God, I’m gonna be sick. :rofl:

Trump would have saved himself a lot of grief if he had done that.

Ask Nancy, Chuck and AOC what to do. If he remembers their names.


Enacting horrible revenge on anyone who voted for Trump, which we know libs will do because they have everyone’s voting record at their fingertips.

Or maybe just try to return some level of maturity and reason to the Oval Office, whatever comes first.

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Get rid of all the Trump worshipers appointed by the con-artist in chief.

Then abort all the babies and turn everyone communist.

What? No revenge against the Trump supporters in the hoi polloi?

Nah, we libz are the forgiving type.

Being against a huge border wall is not for being for open borders. Only Congress has the power of the purse, and since Congress didn’t give Trump the money to build his border wall, Biden’s first order of business should be to stop construction of the wall.

first thing he should do is lock up trump and his entire criminal family
then fire every trump appointee he can
if the dems also win the senate expand the judiary to blunt the effect of the trump appointed judges
if the dems control the house and senate pass a massive obamacare expansion

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If the dems win they will suddenly lose interest and declare the virus over.

Police reform

well, to be certain, if the rioters and looters weren’t going out to celebrate their windfalls, the bars wouldn’t be so packed.

what police? after they do away with qualified immunity we won’t be able to keep any on the job.

That made no sense. But points for writing a response?

The first thing Biden should do is wake up, because if he thinks he won he’s either dreaming or the dementia has accelerated.

Ask Congress to expand SCOTUS by 1 and nominate Merritt Garland and expedite his nomination though the senate out the position he was cheated out of by mitch McConnell and watch mitch cry when his nomination goes though 51-49.


Pardon President Trump for any crimes (tell him the deep state decided to let him go), appoint Romney to a cabinet position, and announce a new tone of bipartisanship in Washington. Focus on covid, race relations, police reform, health care, strengthening bonds with our allies, unifying the American people,and growing the economy.

you don’t think rioters and looters go out to bars? Where do you think they congregate… the church parking lot?