So how exactly did Bloomberg made his Billions?

If Bernie and Warren keeps splitting hard left base he could very easy walk right in…specially if Old Joe gets kicked to the curb.

Then you have the ultimate Wall street insider running democrat party…and he’s authoritarian to boot.

Can you say realignment? :sunglasses:

No. He really can’t. He has no base within the party, none. Just because he isnt as liberal as Warren doesnt mean he’ll get the support of moderate Democrats

The only people who want Bloomberg as the Democratic nominee are Republicans

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He has the money…if he gains any traction who’s going to throw money at other candidates?

In 3 or 4 months their funds will dry up leaving Bloomberg. Oh Bernie and maybe Warren will continue getting money from their radicalize base…but they’re going to split that vote.

He isnt going to get any traction. No matter how badly Republicans wish for it

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Maybe you haven’t been paying attention.

I’ve been waiting patiently for someone like him to Jump in.

Because he will help fill my theory, prediction/prophecy of political realignment. :sunglasses:

Because that usually happens to the front runners? Your fantasy has no basis in reality

Maybe that’s why I don’t remember your prediction/prophecy, it denies reality…


But I just might be the last man standing.

Many here does remember my realignment theory/prediction.

He’s Lloyd Dobler all grown up.

An enterprise that employs thousands.

Thousands? By selling data? Once the software is written then what? Maintain and update the hardware/software etc?

And where is some of that information coming from? Has anyone really looked into it?

Tens of thousands

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Yes, thousands.

Bloomberg L.P.'s headquarters is located in 731 Lexington Avenue (informally known as Bloomberg Tower) in Midtown Manhattan, New York City.[78] As of 2011, Bloomberg L.P. occupied 900,000 square feet (84,000 m2) of office space at the base of the tower. The company’s New York offices also include 400,000 square feet (37,000 m2) located at 120 Park Avenue.[79] It maintains offices in 167 locations around the world,[4] including Bloomberg London, its European headquarters.[80]

Probably not illegals either like a certain president.

Them ain’t minimum wage jobs either.

Holy crap.

You are describing the entire financial industry

He found a way to skim the cream off the top.

That’s how I view it.

77 frikking years old though. Sick of these old farts.

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The first paragraph which is all a non subscriber can see doesn’t say anything about Bloomberg hiring illegals.