Snowflake Ben Shapiro gets triggered by right-wing British journalist

You could see the amusement in Neil’s face with his very understated response to Shapiro’s accusation.

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No… of course not.

He was humiliated because an interviewer refused to play his game.

He was only embarrassed because his assumption about the politics of the interviewer was incorrect.


Perhaps someone should advise Shapiro to steer clear of Leigh Sales (ABC - Australia).

If these current republicans (including our president) were interviewed by Tim Russert they would be calling him the devil.

They just like to stir up trouble and get their way. We all saw these kids in middle school.

Which is a pretty sad indictment of American media system. I missed the days of Tim Russert style journalism.

Welcome to the United States mate…where that word isn’t commonly used. That is just a hint at how different the cultures are between say…the US and Canada or the US and Great Britain or the US and Australia? We may have much that we share and yet are worlds apart too. Just remember…diversity is our strength and here in the US…that gentleman is a lefty. :sunglasses:

You still don’t get it. Shapiro admitted he was wrong on his attacks against Neil.

Exactly which word are you referring to in my response.

You have to understand…Ben doesnt know ben…Smyrna knows Ben better…


My bad. LOL.

Just to push Smyrna down his hole even more: What’s the difference between a conservative Brit and a conservative American?

If Shaprio called Neil a “leftist”, shouldn’t that by Smyrna own logic mean he’s calling Neil an American conservative?

Ben is a strange guy. He said he wouldn’t attend his sister’s wedding if she married someone that wasn’t Jewish.
Blaire White got him to budge on his stance about pronouns, at least.

I am not a big fan of Shapiro’s, but when I first saw links to this interview, words like “tantrum”, “stormed off”, “triggered” to describe Shapiro were used. So I watched the entire interview.

My reaction - I think Shapiro is on an interview tour to promote a book that came out in the past few months. The way these interviews are generally, and professionally, conducted is to perhaps ask a few general questions for the benefit of the audience who might not know the interviewed subject, and then get into the content of the book. The BBC host didn’t seem interested in discussing the book (frankly, there are few hosts that seem to have actually read the book when interviewing an author) and instead brought up Shapiro’s past tweets, Georgia’s abortion legislation (about which he misstated information - not surprising since many media outlets did the same) and Shapiro’s decision to leave Breitbart.

Shapiro - understandably IMHO - became frustrated with what he believed was a book tour interview turning into an interview about past tweet, his conservative position on issues, and so on. If you have ever watched Shapiro speak to groups - usually college - where there are a high percentage of political opponents in the audience, you see that he handles their questions quite well because why he’s there is clear from the outset. In this case, Shapiro realized he’d been baited-and-switched, seemed frustrated and finally thanked the guy for his time and ended the interview.

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That was my first thought as well, calling a Brit a “conservative” is really nothing but a leftist liberal with a British accent and his leading questions proved it, IMO and Ben pushes back and doesn’t take liberal claptrap!

I love this idea that no British person can be a true conservative.

Margaret Thatcher… welcome to the Resistance


If Shapiro is at the forefront of conservative intelligentsia, then they are in trouble.


Oh for ■■■■■ sake. Is this really a serious post?

So now the United States has the corner on the correct version of conservatism?

The BBC is not the publicity arm of Ben Shapiro. He quite clearly had not done any research on the interviewer. He was unprepared and spat the dummy. It was akin to a 5 year old’s temper tantrum because he didn’t get his own way. A car wreck of an interview of gargantuan proportion.


Shapiro made a complete and utter fool of himself when he accused Neil of being a lefty.

One wonders what Roxiebelle et al would call me based on my views. It is an absurdity and Shapiro was roundly and justly criticised and ridiculed in the UK for his claim that Neil was a lefty. But one must give Shapiro some credit for providing some amusement to Neil and others over the claim.

I don’t think you can be considered a conservative unless you’re American. The rest of the world is full of libs.