Six capitol police officers facing possible charges

I actually don’t care. I didn’t come here for legal advice.

Dude, we all comment and provide opinions on things. Every day we provide things we believe to be true, just like someone telling us what he believes the law to be and his occurs on every thread so I’m not sure why you reacted the way you did. It’s a discussion, isn’t it? Don’t we all provide info as we see fit in order to further the discussion?

We watched it live.

so? that doesnt make it an “insurrection”

it’s absurd. almost as much as AOC’s drama over her near death experience


You could expand greatly on that list. If we were starting in the past decade I would start with Michael Brown and work there way up. That guy not just got through robbing a place then was beating a police officer trying to get his gun. For whatever reason they though that was enough to burn down Fergusson for.


Sorry, we know how dc civil servants vote.

Shades of George Floyd.

She was killed after she was restrained and in custody???

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She didn’t get the courtesy of restraint, skipped right to the killed bit.


The “restraining” of each was basically the same process.

many on this website did and still do should we count the threads.

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Compared with the police response in June when BLM was in DC…


Even if they were there by invitation from the President at the time?

The person to whom you allude to in the post would not have been shot if she was not in the Capitol building on 6/01/2021.

You mean January 6, 2021? The BLM protests were in June of 2020.I wasn’t alluding to anything other than the difference in police response between the two groups protesting.

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To provide an analogy, it would be an interesting defence for bank robbers to assert they were invited into the bank by the guards.


No, the date I included in my post is the correct date.

Yes. Similar cases in many ways. Treated very differently.

Stupid should hurt. Unless it’s a kind of stupid some agree with I guess.

Right … like ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN. Gotcha. :wink:

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