Should the current legal system be changed with regard to sexual harassment/assault related crimes?

On what grounds do you see it being overturned?

Culture, law, morality, and politics are tangled together and inseparably so.

Always have been.

And people believing that they are separable is a new phenomenon.

Yes the law needs to be changed. The only requirement is that the accuser is female. No evidence necessary.

Naw, people have always pretended they’re above it all. The illusion of “noble”.

We should not have a legal system where half the citizens of our country can be accused of committing a crime, without the accuser presenting any proof or evidence, and the accused are automatically guilty until proven innocent.

If the woman claims the man killed Schrodinger’s cat, there is no need to open the box.

I don’t think that is the same thing.

Good thing that doesn’t exist, huh?

In a court of law, it doesn’t.
Inn the court of public opinion, It does. And people’s lives have been ruined as a result.

Funny thing I’ve learned over the years is that’s the two most likely people to tell you abuse allegations are a frame up are people who were framed and people who did it.

The “court of public opinion” isnt a legal system.

What do you suggest be done about the “unfairness” of public opinion?

People who are framed are not guilty. people who do the framing are liars.

There is a third group. Those who’s loved ones have been framed.

See post 36.

How do you suggest enforcing this “confidentially”?

Should victims who speak out publically be thrown in jail?

What happens when someone violates a gag order from a judge?

So yes, you’re saying that victims should be thrown in jail for coming forward.

No, Mz Newman. I said the plaintiffs should be punished for violating the law.

Also, if it is proven that it is a deliberate, false accusation, the plaintiff serves the maximum penalty of the crime they falsely accused the innocent person of committing, as well as reimbursing the government for the costs of investigating and prosecuting the crime they lied about.

Ask Bill Cosby