Should family of Laken Riley sue Biden and his regime

You should reach out to the family and ask them why they haven’t. Maybe if you help cover some of the legal fees they might be willing to do it. Worth a shot.

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When did this guy enter illegally? Did he enter illegally because of an EO? How would we draw the correlation there?

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Wow, Biden issued an EO setting a particular guy loose? That sounds, um, unusual…

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Biden invited Jose Ibarra into our country. therefore Biden is responsible for Laken Riley’s death.

There will be plenty of lawyers that will be glad to take this case…comprende?

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Precisely…once court rules that president can’t hide behind presidential immunity clause.

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Ahhhhhhhhhhh…so you’re that uninformed? Get informed and then speak a tad more intelligently.

before I take the time to show you where it’s shown he came during Biden’s term, will it make a difference to you in any way, shape or form?

I agree, no President should have blanket immunity for what they did as President.

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Should the families of these folks sue trump?

An undocumented immigrant referenced by President Donald Trump in support of building a wall on the southern US border has been charged with killing four people in Nevada this month, prosecutors said Monday.

It was Pelosi and libs that continuously stopped Trump from building the wall and libs own this catastrophe.

And he was already in the country at least a year before murdering those people.


Martinez-Guzman, then 19 years old, was living in Carson City for approximately a year and a half. He is a citizen and national of El Salvador who entered the United States by illegally crossing the US/Mexico border several years earlier.

But enough about Trump…it is libs that want destroy the presidential immunity clause.

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If they do, watch Democrats turn on a dime to defend the sanctity of Presidential immunity.


It absolutely will.

To recap this is what I think is minimally necessary to support your claim

The date and contents of the Biden EO
The date this murderer entered the US
That he entered illegally

Essentially draw that correlation between the two.

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Sanctity? No President should have blanket immunity. Seriously that was never and is not the intent.

I won’t and I expect conservatives to support Biden with his ultimate immunity like they did Trump.

No it won’t. Libs set this piece of ■■■■ free in NYC just prior to this and libs own this.

I’m pretty sure they get points on their lib card or a cookie or something if the mention trump a certain number of times each day…

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“let’s talk politics but don’t mention the guy who’s controlling the retard end of the GOP right now.”

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If you weren’t going to believe me, why ask the question? Seems bad faith

I gave clear criteria.