Should family of Laken Riley sue Biden and his regime

Sure if you can draw a direct line from Biden to Her Murder.

There were literally hundreds of homicides by immigrants, illegal or otherwise, in just one year on Trump’s watch. Don’t forget them.

According to ICE statistics published in ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations Report, in the Fiscal Year 2018 here page 4) (from October 2017 to September 2018) there were 2,028 total offenses for homicide (387 criminal charges 1641 for criminal convictions) committed by aliens in the U.S. The IRS defines aliens as any person who is not a U.S. national (which would include legal and illegal immigrants. The number is even lower for the Fiscal Year 2019 here page 15) with 1,923 total offenses for homicide (374 criminal charges and 1,549 criminal convictions).


To be honest the odds on these families winning are slim and none. I doubt anyone would want to go thru that again.

The thing that matters imho is that people understand the Biden border policies have not just flooded the country with illegals…

They have gotten tens of thousands of Americans killed.

See how dems cause crime… And they don’t give one bit. Not one bit!!!

Weren’t “illegals” committing murder between 2016-2020? Does that mean Trump should be sued as well?

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That was the deep state. Or something

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There are 20,000 or fewer homicides a year TOTAL in the US. Saying that illegals have gotten “tens of thousands” killed is not just wrong, but absurd…


Memewhile, on the left… :rofl:


Biden signed EO that undid Trump policies that opened our border, leading directly to Laken Riley death.

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As I said if her family want to sue then they can.

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Not right away. When did this “illegal” immigrant enter the country?

Also the EO reverted to policy that was in place during Obama and the first few years of Trump.

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Not really…record amounts of fentanyl are coming into this country…between the drugs and the human trafficking the cartels are making billions off the Biden presidency.

“ In 2023 the overdose death rate topped 112,000 in a 12 month period for the first time, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” In 2023 fentanyl overdoses ravaged the US and fueled a new culture war fight - OPB

Were all of those deaths the result of fentanyl coming across the border…no. To he honest nobody knows exactly. At a time when Americans are watching the border be erased, the cartels becoming Fortune 500 companies (selling a product who’s raw ingredients come from China…how much have the Chinese paid the Biden’s again?), and we are seeing records not just of illegal border crossings but record overdose deaths I don’t think it’s unreasonable at all to connect those dots.


Biden had turned this man loose twice…once at the border and once in NYC. What did he do in NYC? When you answer that, this murder was a probable outcome and Biden owns it.

Well, we have a pretty good idea how much they paid Trump - in the neighborhood of $5.5 million (that we know about):

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This administration has blood on its hands…

It didn’t happen and it won’t…but in my opinion if there was ever a legitimate impeachment candidate it’s the pathologically dishonest corrupt POS Joe Biden. He’s not just the worst ever…his policies have been executed in a horribly dishonest manner and have done irreparable damage to this country.

That’s my opinion.


And exactly how did Biden personally set him loose? Seems outside of a president’s usual world of work…


He allowed him into our country…unvetted duo to Biden open door policies.

So you’re suggesting that didn’t happen when Trump was in the Oval? Reality disagrees with you.

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Do you see Trump anywhere in my opening post?

No you don’t…start your own ■■■■■■■ thread.

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executive order