Should Biden step down because of his failed COVID response?

Did you read the articles in the PubMed like you posted? In almost every study it was summarized that more data was required. Also note the dates on those studies. I will submit to you that there was never enough positive evidence to get the FDA to reverse their negative response.

Come on man!

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What’s the plan Brandon?


Your response is exactly what those responsible for the hydroxychloroquine denial of efficacy always hoped for. As you observe more die from COVID in the future…think about that.


Here is a doctor that is stating that COVID treatments are being handled “politically” and not medically. She says that the data regarding so many aspects of COVID and potential treatments are not being shared amongst the medical community. She’s very down to earth, makes a lot of sense and is asking the questions all of us should be asking? Why is ivermectin so maligned as a treatment? Why is the data regarding after effects from the vaccines not being shared? It’s a 23 minute video and covers a lot so I thought I’d share.


All I can say is Let’s Go Brandon. Our One Horse Dog Faced Pony Soldier is not doing a good job at anything. His Ship of fools have no clue either.


Mr Wahoo, I have three shots
… Pfizer 1, Pfizer 2 and Pfizer Booster. I wear a mask in public and social distance. I also have my Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin on standby if needed.

I am hoping that the new XI variant may prove to show Chinese Wuhan Virus is weakening.

We need good news and not panic attacks from.liberal progressives and colonialists

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Our One Horse Dog Faced Pony Soldier has said a lot of things, mostly he does know his ass from a hole in the ground.

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Please submit it the the circular file.

Now let’s get the MSM to go into full denial mode and call the article “fact checking” and illegal aliens as “asylum seekers”. Eat sheople…eat…and regurgilbeat “asylum seekers” where ever you work, play or live. K?

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Japan’s equivalent of the FDA has not approved Ivermectin as a covid treatment. Here is a list of their approved treatments -

Because there is no good evidence that shows that it works well against Covid.

Did Dr. Hauro Ozaki, Chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association, speak on national TV in Japan about Ivermectin use in Africa and saying citizens should make their own decision to try it or not?

In an article about the suppression of Ivermectin by health authorities, Dr. Joseph Mercola wrote: “While the list of crimes committed by authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic is a long one, perhaps the biggest crime of all is the purposeful suppression of safe and effective treatments.”

Multiple reports and studies have shown evidence that Ivermectin is effective in combatting illness associated with COVID-19, and in some countries, like India, it is recommended for use even though the World Health Organization does not recommend it.

Dr. Ozaki cited evidence from African nations that have utilized Ivermectin during the pandemic. He stated: “In Africa, if we compare countries distributing Ivermectin once a year with countries who do not give Ivermectin… they don’t give Ivermectin to prevent COVID but to prevent parasitic disease… if we look at COVID numbers in countries that give Ivermectin, the number of cases is 134.4/100,000 and the number of deaths is 2.2/100,000.”

The Tokyo Medical Association chairman compared statistics from African countries that did use Ivermectin yearly with those that did not: “Now African countries which do not distribute Ivermectin: 950.6 cases per 100,000 and 29.3 deaths per 100,000.”

Now…look up…I’ve got some good news of positive evidence. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Dr. Nagao said he has used Ivermectin as an early treatment for over 500 COVID patients with practically a 100% success rate, and that it should be used nationwide.

About the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating COVID patients, he said: “It starts being effective the very next day… My patients can reach me by message 24/7 and they tell me they feel better the next day.”

Anyone who claims 100% success rate for anything is lying to you.

Really? Not that difficult to hit when the do nothing rate is 99.5% or better.

Weird isn’t it. When a Republican was in the White House the howling was deafening…

Now the howlers have gone silent.


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So all the ■■■■ y’all pulled last year we re supposed to … what just ignore?

Leftists have lost their damn minds.

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Truth. That bunch of idiots in DC has screwed up everything they have touched.

This country is in every level worse off now because of the party of the insane running our government.

The answer to the question “should Biden step down?”

Yes…for a while host of reasons. He should be impeached over the fiasco at the border. That’s a national disgrace and complete abrogation of the responsibility to defend that border.

He should resign over Covid and simply because he is not up to the job.

Unfortunately things would only be worse with the incompetent little socialist Kommie Harris taking his place.

Nice job libs.

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