Should Biden step down because of his failed COVID response?

I can. Pure D politics.

Even though i’ve been vaccinated i still have some hydroxycholorquine around just in case.

I know where one of those antibodies places is as well.


:+1: :clap: :clap:

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When was the last time you spoke to family members in Japan, Jimmy? You could get it if you wanted to, easily. As a matter of fact, I have some in my medicine cabinet here in the USA if needed. It is sitting right next to the Immunosuppressive drug, Hydroxychloroquine.

Back to the thread title, J’Biden should resign because he is a cement head that has been manipulated by others who are running the show from behind closed doors. The policy decisions (whoever is making them), are reckless and have put the country’s security and economic stability at great risk. The Chinese are poised to either invade or blockade Taiwan and the Russians are amassing troops, supplies and hardware in an apparent annexation of Ukraine! J’Biden will do nothing if and when these two events should take place but shart himself then read cue cards incoherently about a new strain of the ‘Rona and wearing masks ad nauseum.


He did. But, the Tokyo Medical Association is an independent organization. It is not a government agency and not part of the Japanese Ministry of Health.

Ivermectin is not approved for use in any part of Japan.

Yes Stumblin Joe should step down. Actually he should never had be elected in the first place. All the baloney we heard about the Orange Man was not true.

Our storefront president, the One Horse Dog Faced Pony Soldier is much worse than the famous Jimmah Carter.

How he lasted 50 years in pitics shows his gullible his voter base is

Let’s Go Brandon.

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Where did you get that notion from? Too much CNN? You can get it very easy in Japan any time you want it.

I am doubling down on fake news, Enki.

Oh, by the way what happened to the super spreader event, Olympics. That was a loser story

Picking nits.

It is not approved for treatment of COVID.

I added to my post. You missed the Olympics part.

Fauci should not be approved in the USA

J’Biden grifted , shifted and shuffled for 50 years standing for and doing absolutely nothing. His history of racism, segregation and odd touching of children are now no longer important with the media.The voters who have been enamored with his bull ■■■■ just goes to prove the goobermint knows exactly what they are doing dumbing down and indoctrination practices in the public education systems.


I like Cement Head. The One Horse Dog Faced Pony Soldier is truely a cement head. +10


100% of babies born require a male sperm and female egg. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of them.


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For some irreverent, they think it might be female sperm and male eggs. They do not follow the science.


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I picked that up from a co worker years ago who was a retired USMC DI. He was a blast; one liners, colorful descriptive adjectives and nicknames for everyone and everything. Thank God I didn’t train under him in the Corps, he would have crucified me.

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Again back y to o the thread title.
Did anyone mention J’Biden is a lying sack of ■■■■ that claimed to not know of or was involved in his sons business grifting?


Look at the white supremacist ok symbol oh no :slight_smile: That’s what one side has been doing for awhile now actually going that low using hand symbols and drinking milk as a form of racism.


Great…then when it comes to medical expertise, you listen to the politicians and I’ll listen to the professional, medical doctors. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:
