Should Biden step down because of his failed COVID response?

Tokyo Medical Association Is not part of Japan’s Health Ministry.

Neither the Tokyo government or the Japanese Health Ministry have approved ivermectin to treat Covid.

And when the results from that study shows the same results as all the others…. What will happen then?

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Fauci conspiracy to cover up “the truth”.

Treatments for COVID have been way to politicized and I suspect as a direct result, innocent people have unnecessarily died. The hydroxychloroquine/zinc cocktail is another medicine that was an early treatment, that was totally ridiculed by the press for political, not medical reasons and hundreds of thousands have died. Does it work? Here we are, almost 2 years later and looky, looky at what the word is now? Does it or does it not work? Will ivermectin later have the same conclusion?


…and don’t forget to burp.

That is a pretty weak review.

It might help if started early enough.

The reason that HCQ is not used is because it doesnt work that well.

That’s NOT what was reported. It was shunned as a scam, useless drug that was touted by Trump and had NO GOOD USE WHAT SO EVER IN FIGHTING COVID. Hundreds of thousands have died since the MSM spun this drug in this manner…HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS! You always condemned it until this very post. Now look back and wonder, if it had been used, early on, how many lives could have potentially been saved? Who is responsible? Why was it done like that? Was it for the sole purpose of getting Trump out of office? Just think about how evil the forces are, that could possibly justify that.


Nobody politicized this before Biden. He was in there the minute Trump tried to restrict travel from China with “hysteria” and “xenophobia”.


Biden should step down for his refusal to enforce our immigration laws, not because of his failure in Covid, inflation, logistics, or foreign policy. By the way, when is he going to implement that “plan” he talked about while running?


What specific immigration law(s) has Biden refused to enforce?

…and yet, due to politics, hydroxychloroquine may have saved those lives and many lives today, if used early on? Why do you think it was treated with disdain and that there was no other treatment early on? Why was it pulled from the shelves when doctors around the country were espousing it’s efficacy? Why were they ridiculed and treated like they were clowns? Why? WHY? Can anybody answer this?

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That is some super hilarious irony right there.


Enough rubes bought his sleezy campaign lies to get him in.

He isn’t even pretending to give a rats posterior about covid deaths now.

Not racist when Biden does it from Africa for a speculative danger.

With Mexican border wide the ■■■■ open.

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[quote=“DougBH, post:69, topic:240821, full:true”]

Odd how Biden is now imposing the same hysteria and xenophobia.


When the genuine danger is long over.

He has announced there will no longer be raids on businesses hiring illegals. He has set “priorities” which in effect limit interior enforcement to certain criminals…a distinction not included in the laws. He is allowing government property to rot for building the wall…thus enabling illegal crossings. He terminated our agreement for Mexico to block the transit of illegals into the US. In short, his every action is to block rather than enforce our immigration laws.

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There is a lot of information out there on why the FDA did not approve it as a Covid treatment. It is pretty easy to see from the studies done that the risks outweighed any benefits.

No my friend. That’s been retracted and here are the new findings.

So let me ask again, when there was nothing else…NOTHING…and hydroxychloroquine was touted by Trump as a possible medication to fight COVID…it was ridiculed…just like you just did but…that isn’t the truth. The truth is that when used early, it is effective…so again…I ask WHY?


No mortality or serious safety adverse events were found.

WHY was it ridiculed and not used?

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