Shopping, San Francisco style!

Do you mind if I don’t get my health advice from people who hang out in internet chat rooms? Do I have your permission, oh oracle of the keyboard?

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they choose to have a city in perfect weather for homeless people to sleep outside.

With the cool summers, the poop takes longer to degrade as well.

Finland completely ended homelessness in their country.
but they use evil socialism.

Why hasn’t California tried Fin socialism? I encourage them too!

Go see SF when Reps ran it…

yes, but, of course there was only 3 of them to start with…

Yes they were Joona, Micko and Kaapo.

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Because people in CA don’t want homeless shelter built it might lower their property value.
this is an issue we also deal with in Canada.

This will only get worse it inflation keeps rising. Inflation is the worse tax their is second only to property tax in my book.

Me too.

Plenty of birds, beautiful scenery and no looting at Walgreens or Target in Massachusetts, either, least not in my area.

And homeless ■■■■■■■■ in the streets won’t?

Where did you get this tidbit?

Incidentally, the late Kirk Douglas and his widow Ann financed the construction of a women’s homeless shelter in L A

This post is sponsored by the letters WUT?!

Y’know I knew a dude who ran a big supermarket and he got a bonus if he could keep shoplifting under fifty grand a month.

As someone who worked in S.F. for years and having spent more than 60 years living in the Bay Area I have often wondered why homeless folk don’t Greyhound it down to SoCal.

Much better weather and temps for sleeping rough than here in the Bay Area, especially in the City

Obviously, if Altair actually named his refuge from wokedom, his refuge would be targeted by the idle woke for destruction, like GETTR was.

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They made a law that unless the amount you stole, exceeds $950.00, you will not be prosecuted.


Prop 47 for starters

I’m concerned because it’s motivating criminal activity.

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Having visited twice, I can attest that I was in long sleeves both trips.

My mom and I traveled both times in the summer.

SoCal temps are far better if looking for shelter from the cold.

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