Sharyl Attkisson / Keith Ellison

I’d be reallllll careful of buying whatever it is she’s selling.

The report demonstrates no evidence, other than Monahan’s word, that abuse happened.

Oh, people witnessed the abuse? Then there should be a trial where they can testify to what they saw…or, they were witnesses to Monahan’s word that abuse happened-they didn’t actually see it.

Oh, he admitted the abuse in texts? They aren’t at 4:30 in your video. Show us the texts the prove abuse.

Around 3:30, we see her phone showing texts SHE sent to Ellison alleging abuse. Again, her word is the only evidence.

The witnesses stated that she told them about the abuse, not that they actually witnessed any abuse.

You haven’t refuted what I said. All we have is Monahan’s word, to various people, that she was abused, just like Ford. There’s literally no difference in the veracity of their allegations…their own word is all we have.

Im not buying anything.

I am asking why the difference in outrage over Ellison that there was with Kavanaugh. You guys are going so far as to say you will impeach Kavanaugh if you take over the house. How do you think Ellison will vote when that comes to the floor?

I agree and she should release it. if she wants to empower more women to come forward and she should. She should release it today. Show us what she has on video. And then let the chips fall politically for him. If she has nothing, then she needs to be more detailed. Why are these things so vague and difficult to get to the bottom of? He did something to you…come out with the facts and nail his ass to a wall. If not. Don’t come out with some story you are not willing to verify. Credibility comes from verification of facts. If you say this happened and you can verify it…then you are credible. If you cannot verify it, your credibility dips a little bit does it not?

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uh oh…

Ellison is trying to keep his Divorce Records sealed. The court ordered that they be opened. He is appealing, trying to keep them hidden. What is he hiding? .

You do understand she was in her bedroom…possibly almost naked at the time.

She did say she was in embarrassing position when it happen.

The doctors report says they found no physical signs of abuse, and the only mention of Ellison is that Monahan told her doctor of the alleged abuse.

The text messages do not support her claims, in fact they actually paint Ellison as a mature, polite guy.

No “witnesses” have “testified”.

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You probably should read the article before posting it.

Where did you find this story anyway?

It appears that Ellison’s wife is also trying to keep those records hidden.

Or did you not read that far?

Funny how libs are saying you can’t believe the woman.

Are you guys saying she lying?

Credibility comes in many ways. The fact that she told others about the episode, with some slight variation, before going public lends her credibility.

But claiming there is proof and refusing to release it damages her credibility a lot.

Ellison sounds like a righteous jerk, and I wouldn’t vote for him.

Hopefully she’s free from Obama hacking her computer.

The nerve.

I understand…I don’t care. I am tired of people…not just in politics but in every walk of life, making ■■■■ up. I had two employees of mine spreading false rumors about me and one of my managers. Both employees were women. If I go out socially with my managers, my wife is always with me. We do dinners about 5 times a year and we always have it as spouse/significant others just to avoid this. I can guarantee there was nothing…but I shouldn’t have to.

I have changed my way of thinking on this. If an accusation is made we cannot simply believe the person making the accusation man or woman, that person has the burden of proof.

And before anyone says well what if it was your daughter. She is smart enough that if anything happened to her, she would go the the hospital first, and then let them handle things with the police. She damn sure wouldn’t sit on it for years. Besides she’d probably beat the crap out of the the person trying to hurt her. I raised her to be tough and to fight back.

I am all for women getting justice, but they cannot use false accusations as a weapon against someone they have something against. It reminds me of the women in the trailer parks when I used to work for child protective services. One thought the other was sleeping with her “man” so to get back at the first woman, the second one would call CPS to try to get her kids taken away for allegedly sleeping with the first woman’s man.

We have to take these things seriously, but we also have to verify what happened actually happened.

All I am going to say on the matter.

Ellison’s ex-wife wants the records sealed. Almost all people would want that. Why is that an issue?

Also, if Sharyl Atkisson is flogging it, it’s like a giant red flag “THIS IS BULL ■■■■■ waving over…well, whatever Sharyl Atkisson is saying.

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More on this case:

Karen Monahans lawyer said he she had told her friends about the incident right after it happened, but didnt come out publicly until a year and a half later. He further said that the primary reason she will not release the video is because it re-victimizes her all over again. She also says she never injected the video into this process. She never told anyone about the video. The video came up because her son unwittingly remarked about it on facebook.

It will be interesting to see if any abuse issues were brought up during his divorce proceedings with his exwife of over 25 years of marriage.

If she has proof that is compelling as the video… hang him out to dry.

I understand the sentiment of not wanting to victimized all over again, but if she has proof of a crime it would seem more rational to bring it to the authorities.

Wouldn’t you agree?

I completely agree. But I am a “Type A” personality and a fighter.

We need a congressional hearing…and an FBI investigation.

Go for it. The evidence Monahan has presented so far is exactly what Ford has presented-her own word.

Please, investigate Ellison. I don’t think anyone around here will object to that.