Seriously, rule of law

just to watch you whine

Actual valuable services are paid for voluntarily. You are an accomplice of the jackbooted thugs who take money forcibly removed from Americans to pursue pointless pet projects that have no actual value.

Look, I’m sure you think your work on the tire treads of government wheelbarrows is super important, but jus don’t forget that it’s not valuable unless someone decides to pay for it.

And no, paying for it with other people’s money doesn’t count.

Somewhat false narative. I’ll have to post the actual letter the congress critter sent to DOJ. In the footnotes it says he received the invoice or a letter or something from DOJ that the table was 22k.

But still goes to wonder – why they would redact the information, when redactions are supposed to be for national security.

Wonder what other little tid bits have been redacted from congress that are in no way no how related to national security.

Yes- truly the table was very sinister.

Oh. You mean like public “education” that graduates kids who are basically illiterate as long as they can regurgitate just enough to pass a series of multiple choice tests? Or is that different somehow? :roll_eyes:

Exactly. Teachers are just government fat cats.

Yes. Yes it would.

no. it would mean telling someone to stand for the flag or suffer legal penalties.

Lol, your such a lib if you support what trump said! Opposite of being a conservative or libatarian!

Did Trump say that it was or should be illegal to not stand?

No he did not say that. But which two parties believe we can go about our daily lives with free will?

I mean political ideals, not parties!

progressive liberalism is not one of them

You’re exactly right…so why do you or the president care what others are doing? That’s the opposite of allowing free will!!!

it’s an honor thing.

its not against the law and no one is saying it should be.

And I am free to advocate that the rules of the game require respect for the national anthem.

In other words, I can sit and kneel in response to your sitting and kneeling.

Don’t cry when I do.

The difference between you and I is I don’t care what you do but you do! Hence the reason you’re a lib!

so newsflash…

“Liberals turning against Trump haters and supporting Trump”

OK with me.

I know who the real demons are no matter how often they try to change their name or the name of their opponents.

Neither one