Senator Fetterman News Notes Overcoming Stroke

John Fetterman - “There’s a crisis at the border and I don’t know how anyone could pretend that there isn’t.”



Fetterman is now my favorite PA Senator.

Have not heard pinko used in decades.


If McCormick can defeat Casey I will be very happy with Fetterman and McCormick working together.

Sincerely happy.

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I have to admit…Fetterman has came along ways since his stroke. He’s talking and sounding lot better. Don’t support him but he diffidently sounds much more healthier.


Agree. He avoided cameras for months.

Now he is making news and even perhaps better than Oz.

Would Oz have supported Israel so strongly?

Not so likely.

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You’re probably right - Oz pals around with Erdogan.

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Wow. That’s been quite a journey for you. I’m glad you posted here for all of us to read.

Feeling stronger every day.

I cannot fault your honesty here (not that you need my approval LOL).

Your distaste of fetterman is well known but its nice to see that you give him credit when you think its due. Some posters would just continually attack regardless of what was said once they have made up their mind.

Not sure if that makes sense but hope you get my point.

That is an appreciated POV.

Just look at what this horrific free for all policy is doing to the impoverished and nature.

It must stop ASAP and immigration made legal and bountiful for all.

Citizenship isn’t a perk for Biden to give away like a deranged game show host.

Fetterman can say all he wants.

It’s his voting that matters to me. As long as he stays a solid (D) vote, he’s nothing but a (D) to me.

Every day it’s something good with this guy. Now he’s speaking out against South Africa’s nonsense taking Israel to ICJ:

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His constituents like the post-stroke Fetterman.


“I don’t understand why it’s controversial to say we need a secure border. We want to provide the American dream for any migrant, but it seems very difficult when you have 300,000 people showing up at our border to do that.”



He also is proposing making it easier to snitch on Universities that censor or ignore intimidating acts like recent palestinians have perpetuated against Jewish students.

Will post link later.

I can agree with that.

Ask residents of Braddock PA about Fetterman.
BTW, regarding Fetterman’s Harvard acumen, Fetterman attended Harvard Kennedy School at Harvard University, graduating in 1999 with a Master of Public Policy degree.

More Fetterman supporting Jewish students.

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The palestinian communist agitators decided to pick on Fetterman at his home and found out his support is unwavering for Israel.

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It was all fun and games when Trump was the target.

Not so much now.