Senator Fetterman News Notes Overcoming Stroke

I found a new video.

This is interesting. On one hand I agree with Big John to side 100% with Israel.

Just look at how the radical wing of the Democrats are going to browbeat him and others with like minds to go soft on the Jeffrey Dahmer wing of islam.

On the other hand. Why is Big John at a bar after spending so much time working on his depression? He should be making better choices.

I really liked how the bouncer bounced the pro-Hamas garbage. Fetterman didnā€™t even need to say a word.

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We have a new Fetterman video from this weekend.

I need to point some things out.

The candidate he is supporting is a radical and will be a very poor choice. I was happy to see so few people at the event.

Fetterman is not improving. Poor guy is just mailing it in.

Through it all he does see the evil that was unleashed to provoke Israel. Fettermanā€™sā€™ support of Israel is solid and warms my soul. Big John has his strength in this stance.

This is a good report from the local news outlet.

Fetterman responded by saying, ā€œThe joke is on you. I had a stroke. I canā€™t fully understand what you are saying.ā€

The man was eventually escorted out by police. Then, another protester spoke out before leaving the event, yelling ā€œFree Palestine. Ceasefire now!ā€

This isnā€™t the first time Fetterman has been approached about not supporting a ceasefire in Gaza. Pittsburghā€™s Action News 4 talked to a local author and activist who was escorted from another campaign event after asking the senator about the Middle East.

On Fettermanā€™s official website, thereā€™s a statement posted about Israel. It says in part, ā€œNow is not the time to talk about a ceasefire. We must support Israel in their efforts to eliminate the Hamas terrorists who slaughtered innocent men, women, and children. Hamas does not want peace, they want to destroy Israel. We can talk about a ceasefire after Hamas is neutralized.ā€

Big John, please donā€™t admit what we all can see.


Worth pointing out that even Biden and Blinkin and Nod are not this strong on rejecting a ceasefire for even a second.

Good call Senator Fetterman!

Anyone see Bob Casey? Is he still around?

Did he walk in wearing a gee string this time?
I hope he still has his shorts and a hoodie clean.
Nothing would surprise me from this asset.

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Itā€™s kinda true.



At least he is reading the will of the people he represents.


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I am starting to like this Fetterman guy.

I CERTAINLY like him more than Casey.

Too soon for that. Maaaaybe heā€™s evolving. Or maybe weā€™re seeing a few blind-squirrel data points.

Heā€™s still gonna vote with the libs on most things. Thatā€™s what matters to me for a Senator (or any congress critter) who is not from my voting sphere. When I see a change in his voting tally, then Iā€™ll start looking to him for more.


I look at it this way.

Pennsylvania usually has one R and one D Senator. Best reflection of the state voter base.

If I am stuck with one Dem senator I want one that isnā€™t afraid to chase a hoodlum with a shotgun and is strongly in support of Israel and is willing to say whoa whoa whoa stop the clock on immigration.

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I welcome those things. Letā€™s see where his votes fall.

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My, my, my. How the worm has turned

Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) vowed Monday to work to block the $14.9 billion sale of U.S. Steel Corp. to Japanese steelmaker Nippon Steel, which he described as an ā€œoutrageousā€ move.

The deal was announced Monday, prompting the stock prices of U.S. Steel to jump up 25 percent. Fetterman criticized the sale, saying in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, that the move was ā€œwrong for workers and wrong for Pennsylvania.ā€

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Carville is an ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– 

Fetterman is wrong about Biden which I rather like.

Carville on Fetterman: ā€˜Gnats Do Not Fool with Cottonmouthsā€™ Carville on Fetterman: 'Gnats Do Not Fool with Cottonmouths'

That so called gnat can help swing PA back to Trump.

Fetterman will be important to the 2024 campaign.

Definitely not a gnat.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhā€¦so Carville finally admits heā€™s a snake. Excellent. He finally told one truth. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


Festerman LOL

ā€œthe 2024 race will be about good vs evilā€
Hey Big John! Who is who? :joy:

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He does physically resemble a snake.
