Senator Fetterman News Notes Overcoming Stroke

That would be the ethical thing to do.

I can’t name a Rep that would win. Mastriano has said he wanted to run for Senate. Crazy.

Last poll I saw had Mastriano leading to face Casey, Why the Republicans wouldn’t pick McCormick to go against Casey is beyond me.

This must be a sick joke.

Mastriano was horrible candidate.

Pennsylvania is not that blue.

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What is the protocol if Fetterman resigns. Does the Governor decide who will fill the position until the election and can they choose anyone regardless of party including some random Joe ?

Shaprio could appoint whoever he wants, and that person would serve until the next statewide election.


That is correct.

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it definitely is not. but the heavily soros funded ballot harvested and mail schemed philadelphia and pittsburgh are

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Gisele hearts this

They never do what makes sense ONLY what serves their purpose.
One of them sponging of of the Gov. Health Care does NEVER awaken sense of decency.

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America’s answer to Jeremy Bentham.

Found the exception Lenny. Politics are not sports per se.

The curse of Doctor Jill Biden.

Senator Fetterman…Big John…would like you to know that pot is safe and can make the communist like party in charge lots of money.

Just ask CA how that has worked out.

As if on cue. Mr. Fetterman sent out a fundraising email later Thursday touting legal weed.

He said it would create thousands of new jobs, be a “big step forward” for racial justice, help veterans and those in chronic pain, and help “expunge more bogus marijuana convictions” to “give folks across our country a second chance.”

This is what Big John was selling when he could actually talk.

Poetic huh?

From 2021 to 2022, DCC-led search warrants more than doubled, pounds of cannabis seized increased by 246%, arrests more than tripled, and cannabis plants destroyed saw a more than 1,200% spike, according to data provided to the I-Team by a DCC spokesperson.

DCC Led 2021 2022 Percent Change
Search Warrant Operations 62 155 150%
Pounds of Seized Cannabis 41,726.68 144,254.71 246%
Retail Value of Seized Product $77,772,936.07 $243,017,836.53 212%
Cannabis Plants Eradicated 19,221 264,196 1,274%
Firearms Seized 40 54 35%
Money Seized $6,091,730.11 $1,297,163.29 -79%
Arrests 17 56 229%
Source: CA Department of Cannabis Control

It ain’t no big party.

I am going to callout this Deloseio fellow for being so stupid and insensitive to pry a man who had a stroke and spent 2 months in the hospital with alcohol.

How much did Iron City pay for this?

Alcohol and depression do not mix.

Alcohol and pacemakers do not mix.

Very dumb.

This man is a danger to himself and those around him.

Big John…Please resign.

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There is more…much more.

You may FEEL terrific Big John.

You sound horrible and look ill. You are not impressing anyone by being stubborn.

Go ahead and listen to the interview. 2 questions and three jumbled sentences in response.

Pushing a narrative so impossible it hurts to watch.

It was reported by Buck Sexton and Clay Travis (They are on the old Limbaugh show) that Morning Joe

compared Fetterman to Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill.

Is there any lie too big for woke libs such as Morning Joe to tell??? :man_shrugging:


So, tell us: what exactly is the lie? Both Lincoln and Churchill did deal with depression. That is pretty well known.

I am disgusted at the public alcohol consumption after 2 months of being hospitalized.

■■■■ for brains and zero impulse control.

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Fetterman is not talented enough to tie the shoes of either.

It is an insult to make such a comparison.

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