Senator Fetterman News Notes Overcoming Stroke

The twitter stuff alone earns Brandon the cheated honorific.

The FBI was in on it for ■■■■■ sake.


And you can bet the same thing was happening at facebook and youtube as well.


Exactly!! All of them!!

Google THAT!


Are they?

“Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” – Mark Twain

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You also caught it.

Fetterman spokesperson claimed family was visiting, but as far as I can tell they are still in Niagara Falls

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Well, his second cousin twice removed is still in town.

C’mon, man!



Washington County is not happy and wants a mirror test of sorts.

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Some negative reaction to sponsoring a bill while hospitalized with depression and then there is this…

Apparently she is the alpha in the relationship. Clearly she is the alpha in the relationship.

This isn’t good. The photo cropping is so odd and demeaning to Big John. She just can’t fit his fat head in the frame…Really. No wonder he is in the hospital. He needed rescued from her.

One who finds it “very unusual” for Fetterman to be working from the hospital given his mental issues is Dr. Marc Siegel, a Fox News contributor and medical professor at New York University who said that what “we don’t know” is how “severe” the 53-year-old’s condition is, the type of therapy that he’s receiving and how he is responding.

According to Dr. Siegel, “mental illness and physical illness aren’t the same in terms of the level of impairment.”

“So if you were to say to me, somebody had a heart attack, they’re still in the hospital, can they be a senator? You know, my answer would be, depends on how their heart is doing right now,” Siegel told Fox News Digital.

“And, in general, the answer would be no. That if you’re in the hospital for severe depression, that your judgment is impaired, and that your ability to think clearly and rationally is impaired,” Siegel continued. “But we don’t know that.”

He said that he would like “to know what his psychiatrists think” about Fetterman’s recovery while noting that it’s “very unusual that somebody that’s being admitted for severe depression would be performing their job.”

“That’s very unusual,” Siegel added. “Let alone as a senator.”

Depression isn’t a work as you go treatment illness.

Tucker POV on these developments.


Thid is the sort of quality source that keeps me coming back here.

People were mad on twitter at Don Jr for calling Fetterman a vegetable.

He isn’t wrong.

Neither was the article about his domineering wife.

And to think what might have been had Fetterman debated Doc Oz BEFORE the mail in ballots were due. :thinking:

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The Dems didn’t realize they were voting for a man doing the bidding of his wife BEFORE his medical emergency.

Fetterman skipped through as Braddock mayor and Lieutenant Governor without having to do a single task of any skill or merit.

You need to start charging Fetterman rent.

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I guess in the minds of most Democrat voters any brain dead loser can be a senator! :man_shrugging:

Well hopefully in the future we can dispell this ■■■■■■■■ about “candidate quality.”

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Hershal Walker :heart: this post.


Laughing in Pete Boo-Dey-Jedge


So obsessed right?

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