Senate intellegence committee :Putin meddled to help trump

Seems the Republican-led committee concurs that Putin worked to get his Manchurian candidate elected.

And talk about burying the story. Releasing this ass kicking report that deligitimizes Trump before a major holiday?

Trump truly is an illigitimate president.

Are you claiming Trump knows more than all of the ICA and all of the other people who are in a position to know, that confirm the reality that Putin actively worked to damage Clinton and assist Trump win the election? :rofl:

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We are very nearly at the point where it will be incumbent upon American patriots to siege the White House until the Russian puppet is removed.

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No collusion is not what the Senate Intelligence Committee was looking for here. The findings from them regarding collusion are due in August.

The Senate Intelligence panel has continued its investigation of whether anyone on the Trump campaign colluded with Russia’s efforts. Burr has said he hopes to wrap up interviews this month and begin drafting a final report in August.

The mental gymnastics of which Trumpists are capable never cease to amaze me. :rofl:


He treats our allies like enemies and our enemies like allies. You figure it out.

Of course we may be able to remove him post-midterms. I have a feeling the Mueller report, but which should be more free of Republican water downs will provide the nail for the coffin on this piece of ■■■■■

It is truly a thing to behold. I’ve never understood giving yourself over so fully to another human being that is not your spouse or family member. Let alone a lying, sleazy politician.

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No meddling and not one assertion of exactly what Russia did.

Did not even mention those toxic, yet magically effective mind control Facebook posts and MEMES.

Looks like they are trying to “meddle” with the July 16th summit from my chair.

You know Prince and a few dozen others will be named. Start building the gallows on the mall in Washington…

Maybe you can get all the unemployed ICE agents to lead the charge…

Hot takes from the old and clueless.

Uh huh. These definitely look like the kind of NeverTrumpers that sit on the SIC, that would look to “meddle” in Trump’s choices. :rofl:

Richard Burr, North Carolina, Chairman
Jim Risch, Idaho
Marco Rubio, Florida
Susan Collins, Maine
Roy Blunt, Missouri
James Lankford, Oklahoma
Tom Cotton, Arkansas
John Cornyn, Texas

At this point I think I’d actually like to see Trump shoot someone on 5th Ave, cause I feel like his theory was true and it may have been one of the few things he hasn’t lied about.


It will be old news by July 12th.

Then enthusiasm will build for the summit. The critics will predict gloom and Trump will perform beyond expectations…again.

You really should try and see just how good a job he is doing.

Nah. Just honest patriots. In fact, might be a sobering sound for members of this malfeasance to hear hammers building gallows while they work.

Give them some credit, they have “proven” a negative!

I think that if it does end up getting revealed that he was the one responsible for the abortion with the Playmate, that will validate it just as easily as him shooting someone. But you’re right. It does seem to be one area where he was actually honest.

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Like his stellar performance with Kim and the North Korean summit? :rofl:

Kind of a side note, but if that is revealed I will be reminding all of those supposed pro-lifers who will be bragging about getting to vote for him in 2020 about his role in that abortion, and asking if they are still pro life. Can’t wait to hear how they justify voting for him if that is revealed.

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