Sean Hannity/Senator Ted Cruz Should Consider Leading a "Million Patriot March" on Washington D.C

Don’t count the votes!!!

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Do what? Raise an eyebrow at 118 year olds voting? I would hope so.

It probably did. For example, in Michigan, there is a Dem mayor (Detroit) and governor with the incumbent Senator Peters there trailing by a wide margin late into election night only to take the lead the next day.

So, Trump was expecting them to try and cheat right? Right. So my question would be, how did he not catch them in the act with all the resources at his disposal? If he is that incompetent, might be just as well if they did.

Great point. All logic and common sense points to no jiggery pokery with the election.

Any real evidence for voter fraud always needs to be investigated thoroughly and stamped on hard but we cannot just use the excuse of fraud because we dont like a result.

“It probably did”. Is that the best you have?

This is how elections work, you keep counting the ballots. Unlike other elections there has been a massive amount of mail in etc votes.

It was widely known that the election night results could change once these votes were counted.

And it was also widely expected that this departure from the norm would massively fuel cheating accusations.

We could try and apply Occam’s Razor.

Mail in votes were predominately Democratic.

The precincts that take the longest to count are the large precincts, which are predominately Democratic.

Therefore the early counted vote is likely to massively favor the Republicans and the later counted vote is likely to massively favor the Democrats.

And so that therefore only two factors will guide who prevails.

Which count is bigger…the early counted vote or the later counted vote?
Which percentage is bigger…the GOP advantage in the early counted vote or the Dem advantage in the later counted vote?

Amazingly enough, what we saw in Michigan can be explained PRECISELY by considering only these factors.

And if that’s not enough for you, we have counter-examples…Ohio and North Carolina.

There, early ballots were allowed to be counted AHEAD OF TIME.

And what did we see there?

We saw that Biden had a ton of early strength and was leading in both those states because the mail in ballots had already been counted and were being unlocked from the databases in which they were stored and added to the early reporting totals.

The later counted voted was Election Day vote which massively favored Republicans…so we saw the exact OPPOSITE pattern…Biden led early, only to be overtaken by Trump as the Election Day count was totaled as part of the later vote count.

Imagine that!

Isn’t it cool what you can see when you don’t start with an assumption that there’s something kooky going on?


Zantax, no need to play coy, the Trump campaign, lawyers, some in law enforcement are on to their scent. One tip off of foul play is how certified observers are/still/often being denied appropriate access when ballot counting is/was being done perhaps even in (blatant) violation with local and state statutes. Time will tell…

Then I will sit back and wait for evidence, so far, nothing.

The count in Arizona is being closely observed in person by both party’s officials, and the entire process is live-streamed online at all times, yet many Trump supporters still want the count stopped and valid ballots of American citizens thrown out. Tells me pretty much all I need to know.


Nothing short of Trump victory will silence this madness.

“Stop the count! Wait, we mean count the votes! What are we chanting again?”

TDS indeed.

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In a very large group there will always be someone doing something.

Watch the live stream then and report any shenanigans you observe.

“Stop the count!” the Trump supporters chanted in Detroit. “Stop the steal!” they said in Phoenix.

However, observers from both major political parties were inside the election center as ballots were processed and counted, and the procedure was live-streamed online at all times.

Several sheriff’s deputies blocked the entrance to the building. And the vote-counting went on into the night, Maricopa County Elections Department spokeswoman Megan Gilbertson said.

I was talking about some republicans doing something telling you all you needed to know.

Marches need an appropriate name to catch the spirit of the marchers.

The Sore Losers March?

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It tells me all I need to know about calls to stop tallying the vote because of fraud. They’re baseless.

"The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released Friday.

In a letter to Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who are both Republicans and led the commission, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap said the documents show there was a “pre-ordained outcome” and that drafts of a commission report included a section on evidence of voter fraud that was “glaringly empty.”

“It’s calling into the darkness, looking for voter fraud,” Dunlap, a Democrat, told The Associated Press. “There’s no real evidence of it anywhere.”

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Yikes, are you enjoy watching this all unfold often in the comfort of your American home?

And just curious do you have any concerns of potential foul play in any of these states/cities/counties as the Trump campaign is widely alleging?