Sean Hannity/Senator Ted Cruz Should Consider Leading a "Million Patriot March" on Washington D.C

That’s like saying because people get caught committing murder it never happens or that nobody ever got away with it. It’s possible, I haven’t seen any evidence to date that would lead me to believe it’s happening now.

Indeed it will, if he wins it will be Democrats yelling there was cheating going on. Well, once they get back from therapy any way.

Thanks for admitting the calls of cheating are totally partisan-driven and based on zero actual evidence.


How many times did I have to post I haven’t seen any evidence did it take before you figured that out?

If massive voter fraud were real enough to swing a national election, then Trump would have been doing it. Alas…

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Sean and Teddy should march for freeberty anyway! If there weren’t shenanigans Trump would have won in a massive historic landslide!

The official story will be that thanks to their heroic efforts in sending Rudy and Eric to PA, they stopped the nefarious cheating scheme in its tracks and won a huge victory against The Swamp for the American people.

I really need to ask guys in the CEC for a job.

I think I could write their stuff better than they could.

The adult Trump children definitely need to be front and center for this march. Jared too, of course.

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The only ones you are aware of, are those that got caught. There’s a potential big difference between how bad the problem is and how many got caught?

Jared’s too busy fighting the pandemic, creating peace in the Middle East and all the myriad other huge responsibilities the President has given him.

Ivanka is making sure those Chinese voting machines to which she has trademarks are in place in time for 2024.

Don Junior is probably still smarting from not getting that hug. So he’s subbing for Rudy to keep the soggy laptop story alive.

The President had to go with who he had. So Rudy and Eric it was.

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TDS is real.

You can’t have a soul or even a hint of empathy for your fellow man. I don’t believe that is possible for you brother. :wink:

Ever hear of how process controls work?

There’s mathematics behind it.

If there’s a defective unit that rolls off the line, they don’t immediately shut down the entire process and say ■■■■■ THE WHOLE LINE IS NOW SUSPECT!”

For a line to get shut down, the defect rate has to rise above set controls.

Voter fraud that’s caught doesn’t even rise above baseline noise.

Even then the fact that the vast majority of voter fraud is in local elections is a huge signal that would not lead one to conclude the entire system from local to state to Fed is rife with fraud.

This is why you continually trying to generalize from anecdote has built up mountains of evidence you haven’t a clue how to properly analyze your “observations”.

I don’t know. I have a bit of sociopath in me.


Trump actually pulls this off, I am CERTAIN this outraged wailing of fraud and demands for conservative celebrities/politicians to march on DC demanding freeberty will increase 100 fold.

Certain. On the level of a Dick Morris prediction.


What does inaccurate polls have to do with tampering with an election?

And if you don’t have any evidence of tampering, why are you so upset?

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Sure you want to throw that peace in the Middle East stone?

Nobody cares about cheating if they win.

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Democrats would do it too!

I love this. Perfect melodrama to continue the American malaise. Please don’t stop. :rofl:

More fascist concern about Americans being allowed to have their vote counts.

This isn’t patriotism, it’s real-time electoral voter suppression.

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