Sean Hannity/Senator Ted Cruz Should Consider Leading a "Million Patriot March" on Washington D.C

Why? Ignorance should not prevail…and at the same time, should not discourage all of us of desiring an honest election…that is being monitored by all sides to insure this outcome.

I’ll get concerned when I start seeing evidence and arrests. Trump has proven time and time again that everything he says cannot be trusted on his word alone. If he knows it’s true, where are the arrests?

The only way I personally would be a sore loser, is if there’s proven dishonesty and the appropriate remedies are not implemented.

Yes, the count is being closely monitored on all sides. Check the live stream if you’d like and monitor it yourself.

I’m referring to all states and all votes.

Which states and vote counts are not being closely monitored?

Whichever states cast their EC votes for Biden.

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I’ll leave that to those that are responsible for insuring the process is being done honestly to make all of us aware if it isn’t?

Agreed. In the meantime, let’s acknowledge that allegations of rampant fraud and calls to stop the vote count are irresponsible.

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Current state of things.

On one side: One 118 year old may have voted and we have no clue who for.
On the other side: Trumpists actively and publicly trying to prevent the votes of 100s of thousands, if not millions, of Americans from being counted in a nationwide display of fascism.

I think I see what the problem is.

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Oh, I wasn’t referring to you. I was referring to the thousands of people you’d be marching with on the Sore Losers March on Washington.

Election officials? State elected officials? Trump?

Which of them saying the election is legit will satisfy you personally?

It IS being monitored…and there’s zero evidence of fraud.

You’re being lied to. You’re not “observing”.

The same or similar monitoring processes are in place for all states- especially the currently contested ones.

Have you ever participated in an actual election as a poll worker or in any capacity…like, ever?

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If Biden wins (if) get ready for some serious insanity. This is just an appetizer.

Trump assured us there’s widespread voter fraud undermining his great victory. What more proof do you need, libs?

According to Trump, literally millions of people voted illegally in 2016 to help get him elected.

[quote=“zantax, post:82, topic:236758, full:true”]

Thanks for your candid reply.

Still not really understanding your perspective though.

Please consider replying back in reconciling how Trump’s words has much of anything to do with any candidate running for elected office exercising their legal rights to inquire about potential improprieties in an election process they are running for?

Greatest fraud in US election history at the time…

…that Trump suddenly lost interest in the moment he was announced President-Elect.

The SCOTUS when those challenging the integrity of our election…put their best case forward.