Screw up by handlers or That far gone

head shake

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Itā€™s amazing to me how a man is willing to destroy his own country to get his name on a Wikipedia list.

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Well if that doesnā€™t sum up Trumpā€¦lol

It doesnā€™t.

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Dazed and Confused:

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Itā€™s getting worst.

You talk big for an anonymous internet hack. :stuck_out_tongue:

Grasp any straw you want, itā€™s bad and itā€™s getting worse.

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^^^ Didnā€™t remain silent. :wink:

Letā€™s Go Brandon

Good point, I hadnā€™t thought of that

So what?


Ah.We agree. From my part, itā€™s . . . whatever. I just do my job. Presidents have gone and come and my salary always increases. Iā€™ve got mine. I cannot speak for others. Yeah, Biden is beyond his years, but I donā€™t see anything too morbid about it. Trump is a narcissistic ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  but somehow we survived. Barely I guess. So, yeah, whatever.

Peter ā€œChauncyā€ Sellers was a more competent President than Biden. :wink:

Donā€™t really care one way or the other. Sellers was odd. He took on the persona of his characters, but didnā€™t seem to have a sense of self. Poor guy. Terrific actor. Dr. Srangelove is my number 1 favorite movie of all time. The world goes on, for better or for worse. I did my part long ago. Now, itā€™s up to others.

Is not, I could show you the 538 graph, but you believe it anyway.


I used to feel the same wayā€¦

Then I saw the amount of damage Biden has done that we as a nation will never be able to reverse. Weā€™ll never be able to redo Afghanistan or Ukraineā€¦we canā€™t unspend all that money. There were smart people who warned us that passing that 1.9 trillion dollar spending plan on top of an already overheated economy would cause thisā€¦weā€™ve got millions of people headed this way because Biden and the Democrats told them to come on down! Once they get into the country weā€™ll never get them out. We canā€™t un kill the tens of thousands of Americans who are dead because of fentanyl that should have never gotten to Americaā€¦

Thereā€™s a reason Bidenā€™s approval #ā€™s have plummeted to 33% (I think thatā€™s still too high) according to Quinnipeac.

In 16 months look at everything Biden has destroyedā€¦much of that damage completely intentional!


Even more left leaning media is admitting that Biden is a failure. Hereā€™s an NBC story headlined ā€œ Bidenā€™s job approval falls to lowest level of his presidency amid war and inflation fearsā€ā€¦

ā€œAmid Europeā€™s largest land war since World War II, 7 in 10 Americans expressed low confidence in President Joe Bidenā€™s ability to deal with Russiaā€™s invasion of Ukraine in a new NBC News poll, and 8 in 10 voiced worry that the war will increase gas prices and possibly involve nuclear weapons.

And during the nationā€™s largest inflation spike in 40 years, overwhelming majorities said they believe the country is headed in the wrong direction and disapproved of the presidentā€™s handling of the economy.ā€ Biden's job approval falls to lowest level of his presidency amid war and inflation fears

Itā€™s an easy google search to find several more.

Itā€™s just a messaging and optics problem. The media just hasnā€™t been able to sell the obvious advantages of chlamydia.