Screw up by handlers or That far gone

I watched it more than once. Which frame are you looking at where it looks like he’s addressing the flag ?

It’s sad that your expectations for the President have fallen so low that you consider this display of bewilderment to be normal.


Nope. He won’t be in office for four years given the apparent rate his rate of mental deterioration.

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And by hiding in his basement instead of being out where people could witness his decline.

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Wanna bet?

Yep, as evidenced by his 33% and falling approval rating.

In between turning from where he was trying to shake hands to go in the opposite direction he pauses in the middle, while facing the flag, as if deciding what to do next.

Befuddled and/or bewildered.

So they said about others.

Yeah, maybe a bit of slowness/indecisiveness but does not look like he’s trying to talk to or motion to the flag.

The best description he ever earned was avuncular. As in “crazy old uncle.”

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Donald Trump has been crackers his whole adult life. Add age-related cognitive/health decline and you get the mess he is today.

Why would I place a bet on something that I could never collect on?

Loser leaves the board.

IMO, whatever both Trump and Biden’s cognitive decline issues have been or still are - they’re greatly overstated by partisans from both sides as a means to an attack.

Don’t be silly. You would never leave and neither would I.

Stand by the courage of your convictions…much?

His average approval rating is 41.6%

At least be accurate.


This is a duck and not a rabbit. It’s so obvious!

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Trump did Bidens campaigning for him. Perhaps if Trump and his campaign lived by this phrase it might have helped… "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."

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