Screw up by handlers or That far gone

Is this a screw up by the people briefing Biden on events or is he that far gone.

He tries to shake hands like he thinks someone is supposed to be there. Possibly a screw up. But he then seems confused and walks off stage.


He also tried to shake hands with the guy behind him before he left the stage.

He was looking directly at the guy on the risers to his right, and then, as lessright pointed out, to the guy behind him to his left.

Perhaps he was expecting that one or both of them was supposed to come up to him? His initial gesture seemed to indicate that. He mouthed something to the first guy like “come up?”)

That seems to be the simplest explanation…but it’s not as fun as thinking he’s out to lunch, I guess.


Oh yeah, totally normal.

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I’m glad you agree.

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Absolutely, I always try to shake invisible peoples hands myself. You never know, there might be invisible people around wanting a good handshake.


Yeah, I stare at walls all the time, especially in front of an audience.


This old man has very little clue what’s going on around him.

And he’s supposed to be the leader of the free world and is supposed to be dealing with the multiple crisis we are facing (most of which he caused by the way with his stupid failed policies)?

Biden would be the crazy uncle at
Thanksgiving…who’s obvious decline would be the family discussion when he wasn’t around…if it wasn’t for the reality that he holds the single most important position on the planet.

Biden voters really made a mess out of this.


Depends on the definition of normal. This has been common for a long time.

LOL- like I said, it’s more fun to assume someone’s out to lunch than to actually pay attention to what happened and see the simplest explanation that’s right out there in front of everyone.

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There is no simpler explanation, nobody was there period.


Assuming to assume that one actually know reality from unreality. Circle the wagons boys and girls.

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Biden isn’t pres…any American with a brain knows it.

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Likely a bit of both. Anyone who’s intellectually honest would recognize that he’s clearly in cognitive decline. Furthermore, the man is not a “young” 79, does anyone think he’s aged well?

That’s a nice airtight circular argument you just made there.

The point being made is this video was proof Biden has mentally checked out.

I come up with another, much more rational explanation, and your response to me is that I didn’t assume that conclusion the video was supposed to be proving was true?

Lol…I guarantee you that if I filmed any one of you for much of your day, I could splice together examples of things you did that would make you look completely mentally checked out too.

Thank you for yet another daily dose of humor that keeps me coming back here.

They post it on the blogosphere,you all stampede in here and trip over yourselves to repeat it here.

Like moths to a candle flame…

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Will we still be getting these “Biden is senile” threads in his 4 th year in office.

He’s not you know and no matter how many threads are posted in this forum won’t change that fact.


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Except your “explanation” is ridiculous.


Those lame lib-splains came fast and furious, didn’t they? :rofl:

Biden has dementia. He’s dying. It’s plain to see. But at least he didn’t drink a cup of water with two hands. :person_shrugging:


And yet he still managed to beat Trump…:grin: Doesn’t say much for your boy now does it…lol