Screw up by handlers or That far gone

Every person that voted and enabled this farcical presidency deserves all the scorn they get.


I agree.

I feel sort of sorry for the man, though, since no one close to and caring about him discouraged him from running in the first place.

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What leftists accused Trump and his family of is true a thousand time over of Brandon and his family.

Trump had a cognitive test and made the results public - he aced it. Where is Brandonā€™s cognitive test results?

Poetic justice.

Letā€™s go Brandon.

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I feel sad for him for a few seconds, then I think of the destruction he has caused and I want to do damage to him.

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I felt it was elder abuse for the people around him particularly his wife to trot him out as a candidate in the first placeā€¦but I m honestly beyond feeling sorry for him.

He has exceeded expectations in one areaā€¦failure.

Clueless is even worse than many of us thought he would be. Hereā€™s the latest report on border encountersā€¦ ā€œMigrant encounters in March topped 221,000, highest number since Biden took officeā€ā€¦

ā€œThe number of migrants encountered at the southern border surged past the 220,000 mark in March, marking the highest numbers seen under President Biden ā€“ numbers that are likely to further fuel bipartisan fears of unprecedented migrant traffic in the months ahead when the Biden administration lifts the Title 42 public health orderā€¦Customs and Border Protection said in a court filing Friday that 221,303 migrants were encountered at the southern border in March. Thatā€™s approximately 28% higher than March 2021 when 173,277 migrants were encountered. In March 2020, just 34,460 migrants were encountered at the borderā€¦The number is bigger than last yearā€™s high of 213,953 in July and is the third time under Biden that there have been more than 200,000 migrants at the border ā€“ which only occurred in two months at the height of the 2021 surge. While numbers dipped since July, they have remained comparatively high compared to the same months in prior years ā€“ never dipping below 150,000. Now, as the spring and summer months approach, they are already well above 200,000.ā€

May 23 and the expiration of title 42 is 5 weeks from today.

You ainā€™t seen nuthin yet folks.

Nice job Biden voters. Your boy just keeps going from bad to worse.


When Hunterā€™s laptop was being hidden from public view by the media and big tech in October of 2020 I remember the Wizards of Smart on this forum bashing Miranda Devineā€™s reporting from the NY Post. Surprise surprise she was right and this forumā€™s smart guys were wrong.

She went on Fox this week and said there are ā€˜Miles of evidenceā€™ tying Joe Biden to Hunterā€™s business dealingsā€ā€¦ Miranda Devine: 'Miles of evidence' tying Joe Biden to Hunter's business dealings | Fox News

How Biden swore during the campaign he never met with Hunterā€™s business partners, never talked to him about his overseas business dealings, that he never took money from Chinaā€¦


ā€œ obviously that looks as if Joe Biden is participating financially in this basically influence-peddling scheme that was global, it went global when Joe Biden became vice president. And look, itā€™s not just that email, although that email does tell you a lot. Itā€™s also just the miles of evidence thatā€™s on the laptop, but not just on the laptop. Itā€™s from six hours of interviews that Tony Bobulinski did with the FBI. Heā€™s Hunter Bidenā€™s former business partner, and itā€™s also the sort of trove of financial information that Republican Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson have uncovered from the Treasury Department. So thereā€™s a lot of evidence that not only did Joe Biden meet multiple of Hunter Bidenā€™s overseas business partners when he was vice president, but he also was involved financially with Hunter, and he and Hunter had co-mingled finances. They had shared bank accounts. And there is some evidence on the laptop that Hunter Biden was paying some of his fatherā€™s bills.ā€

A recent poll has clueless Joe at 33% approval. That 33% must be the dumbest collection of mammals on this planet.



And this thread doesnā€™t end up in Fever Dreamsā€¦

I have her book ā€œLaptop From Hellā€ - Kindle version. I had preordered it so I got it the day it was released

I also watched Tony Bobulinski when Fox had him on right before one of the debates before the election. He is very credible.

If wishes were horsesā€¦

One of the forumā€™s wizards of smart has spoken!

Please tell me oh wizardā€¦what great results for Americans have we experienced as a result of your vote for Joseph Robinette Biden?

Less inflation, more security at the border, renewed respect on the international stage? Lower crime, lower gas prices?


this is a thread about a video of the POTUS.

It belongs in fever dreams.

Happy to answer your questions in an appropriate thread.

I love it when people who canā€™t wait to turn any thread about Bidenā€™s failures into a Trump threadā€¦now want to be loyal to the thread title.

Go look at the thread about the common sense law in Iowa defending womenā€™s sports and check out how long it took you people to turn it into a puberty blockers discussion.

I accept your surrender.


Ps- this thread is about yet another example of the complete incompetence and the lack of ability because heā€™s a) mentally incompetent and b) a corrupt lying lifelong politicianā€¦the conclusion is that Biden is unfit to be holding the office he currently holds. As such the collapse of the southern border and his disgusting fraud as one if the greatest influence peddlers in history is fair game.

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Have you notified a mod about your wish to move it there?

Another video where it seems like people just lie about whatā€™s happening in order to have fun, the same as the last one, the same as the next one.

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A ā€œcognitive testā€ that he ā€œacedā€? Bwaaa!

It was a dementia screener.

ā€œPerson, woman, man, camera, TV.ā€ Holy crap, what a performance!!

It was the wrong ā€œtestā€ to give Trump anyhow. A proper psychological workup would reveal what most of the world already knowsā€¦heā€™s a nut.

Talk is cheap.

Letā€™s make a bet.

We should strive to get real. But that is difficult when the uninformed do not use good judgement.

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Funny how you always consider the source that makes your guy look the least bad to be the definitive source. :wink:

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And if you go by some other poles, that collection of the dumbest is as high as 42%. :wink: