Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts

I’m not going to do your work. This is your OP. It doesn’t seem like you’ve even looked for the science behind the government’s recommendations.

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They provided two big pieces of evidence to support the changes:

*Delta spreads as easily as chicken pox
*A breakthrough case will see a vaxxed person having a peak viral load that’s the same as an unvaxxed person’s.

These are big pieces of evidence. It takes time to have this evidence build up.

A pandemic is a fluid condition. When scientists “change their minds” in a fluid situation, it is not a sign they are either lying or incompetent.

It’s a sign the data has changed.


It will never be the exact same. But I think we can get close to it. Vaccines and masks will help get us there.

Its almost like you skipped the word “might” in that quote from an unnamed author.

THAT is your proof we should pay no credence to science?


No one is telling you to panic. Their just saying to get vaccinated and wear masks.

Protecting your vulnerable loved ones isn’t authoritarian statism, he says to people who un-ironically ban educational topics, voluntary vax ‘passports’, reproductive health choices, pipeline protests et cetera ad nauseam.

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Oh and there is still plenty of R&D on effective therapies for COVID going on.

Operation Warp Speed was supposed to fund both, but guess what?

Under the Trump Adminsitration (yes under the Trump Administration), the vaccine was prioritized.

And partly for political reasons…because Trump wanted a vaccine before Election Day.

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If they reject my protection then what have I become if I force it upon them?

The CDC admits that the heart inflammation and blood clots are side effects of the vaccines. The data reporting system is grossly flawed, and they are doing their best to ignore the effects.

Myocarditis and Pericarditis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC

Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC

The CDC is pushing vaccinations for healthy children and young adults. The risk of death from COVID is virtually zero for these groups, and there are admitted risks of serious side effects. The vaccine does not prevent infection or transmission of the virus.

What possible justification is there for requiring the vaccinations for healthy young people?

Where is the data to support this policy?

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You aren’t forcing anything, here. Public health is public policy; we are in it together, or we all pay the price and the costs.

But, the broader point is that it’s snicker-worthy that right wing zealots who’ve inflicted so much authoritarian ■■■■■■■■ on the rest of us, for decades, always seem to discover freebertism just in time to avoid paying their fair share, or get everyone through a for real actual crisis


It’s not confusing. But if you spend years letting propagandists ■■■■ in your head, I guess you might be confused.


Quote for a lot of truth.

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Yes, screw science!

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“Conservatism” remains what it has always been at its core: a rejection of the Enlightenment. Go back to goat entrails, astrology, omens, tribalism, numerology, whatever. But you’re not taking us with you.


It takes a lot of faith. :wink:

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One might wish this were so, but the truth of the matter is that these moral and emotional toddlers are taking us all down with them.

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What is new about that?

Sure. It is the right wing. They are the problem. We will all die and then you can live in lib-topia.

True. I guess I was being prescriptive rather than descriptive.

  1. You may want to dig deeper on that side effect, especially in light of worse results for those who get Covid.

  2. You do bring up a good question on vaccination of children. If the vaccinated are carrying and spreading the disease then of what benefit is the vaccine for children who typically see no effect from Covid? I’d like to see the stats on Covid vs vaccine for <12. I did hear someone mention the viral load of a vaccinated vs non-vaccinated person was lower and therefore transmissibility was less. Is that still true and also true for <12?

Plainly, bluntly, frankly: yes, conservatives are the problem. Solipsistic, conspiracy-prone, grievance-addicted ingrates who torch society whenever they cannot rule it like fantasy overlords, who adore cheaters while screeching platitudes from fairy tales, and who dwell in an epistemic wasteland of victimhood and mortal adversaries who must be destroyed.