Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts

Printer/publisher, bicycle retailer / manufacturer

Not scientists

Outside is coming. Already started in Miami.

Further proof the internet was a mistake.


Remember when you guys spent like a year saying birth control for women shouldn’t be covered by insurance because it drives up the cost in the risk pool? Simpler times.


The pandemic ended.

Sure about that?

Bit late for that. We’ve had as many deaths as we did from Spanish flu with only a tenth of the global death numbers. America constitutes like twelve percent of all COVID deaths globally.

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Yes, it’s a meaningless term.

America First!


You’re deconstructing ‘Pandemic’ now?

Of course.

So, then you should be in favor of us dying off if we are the problem.

Sounds like we are bigger pox than COVID.


Well, no, it’s actually a pretty easily defined term you can sum up in like a sentence.

Well yes, it’s actually a meaningless term.

So is this where we’re at? “What do words even actually mean, man?” “What does meaning even mean, man?”

Lol. Struggle posting.


I got vaccinated and wear masks to protect others, including conservatives.

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No. I’m not in favor if you dying off. I’m not a conservative and I reject without qualification conservative eliminationism. I find conservatives to be burdensome ingrates, as a rule, but nonetheless prefer to pay my club and pick up your slack, if it means my children have a chance to avoid raising their children in the dystopia you all seem hellbent on bringing into fruition. And if that fails, you may discover how wrong you all are about certain skill sets and how to emerge victorious. With a bit of luck, and conservatives growing up a bit, we can avoid all that.


I got vaccinated and wear masks out of courtesy for those who request it, including libs.


It’s going to have to get worse before it gets better

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