Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts

Sure. Give back your washing machine, dryer, household appliances, coffee maker and power tools; turn off your lights, plumbing, wifi and internet while you are at it

Since Reagan you guys have been doing that non-stop :rofl:

Might need to go au naturel as well.

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I wasn’t shocked it changed, I was curious as to why you claimed they could go back to normal when it isn’t true.

My “normal” was in reference to pre-pandemic times.

I don’t recall having to wear a mask in pre-pandemic. Vaccinated people are being forced back into masks.

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If 55 saves lives then why does everyone drive 70 on the highway?

The policies defy any common sense, and the government has provided no evidence to support them. The number of deaths have gone to almost nothing, and you can still infect granny even if you both are vaccinated.

I expect at least passive resistance to mask mandates and forced vaccinations. The government can admit their policies are unenforcible or they will need to get China to build massive gulags.


You shouldn’t be spreading this disinfo.

Notice how they never count people who have had Covid and survived in the vaccinated numbers. Ignoring they have similar immunity.


Yes. So if we’re vigilant now, by wearing masks and everyone getting vaccinated, we can go back to a “normal” of pre-pandemic times.

The drug companies say boosters are necessary. Immunity fades with time and new variants develop to bypass the vaccines.

Have you looked for the government’s evidence?

Yes. Like Flu shots. We’ve known this for a long time now.

Pandemics usually build in two and three waves, Bill. The Leavenworth Flu, wave one, was mild. Wave two killed tens of millions.

Please provide a link for scientific evidence supporting the change in the mask recommendations.

I have seen nothing.

It boils down to those who obey and worship government and those who question them. Apparently, no one is allowed to question anymore.

Just wear your mask! Just shut down your business!

Erp. Okay.

:sheep: :sheep: :sheep:


Can we? What is the transmission rate among the vaccinated currently?

I did, last word is, it will be along shortly.

And the flu keeps coming back. We can’t stay in panic mode forever.

Yes, but you mentioned the vaccine had significant side effects. We have not seen that unless you definition of significant is drastically different than mine.